you, Opal and the thunderstorm

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Thor was playing with Loki while you stroked Opal with the one and your new coat with the other hand and watched TV. For the first time in what felt like years.

It was a documentary about some isles and at one point there were penguins and you laughed like crazy as the speaker seemed incapable of pronouncing the word penguin.

After a while Thor joined you on the sofa, both him and Loki being exhausted after chasing each other.

When the documentary was over Thor rose and said goodbye.

"We should go out on Saturday and I will help you find a job on Friday. Take good care of Loki until then! Good night!" , he said. You brushed your fingers against each others as you were comfortable with this much of touching.

It was Tuesday evening so you would be without Thor for three whole days. There had been a time before Thor and you had survived this too but it still seemed a tough task to do so now.

You knew you had to go shopping the next day and you didn't like the idea, even though you really looked forward to wearing the coat for the first time. It would be nice to feel comfortable and not melt at the same time.

As soon as Thor was gone you curled up in bed, the two cats of yours pressed against you, helping you to fall asleep with the magic of purring.

You woke early in the morning and you weren't surprised at all. You had expected this. There had been too much of sleeping during the last few days.

After getting ready you grabbed your new coat and wrapped it around your body.

The fabric was soft and cool and beautiful. You really liked it and the coat fit you as if it had been made especially and only for you. It was like a big, second skin covering you.

You left hastily but with a new, unknown energy. The coat gave you the comfort you needed and still kept you from boiling. It wasn't too hot at this time of the year but warm enough.

For the first time in what felt like years you payed attention to what you bought. Shopping was no longer only about keeping yourself from starving but also about buying things the cats would enjoy and getting things Thor would like. You planned to cook properly when he came back next time and you needed to get some stuff to do so. You would practice cooking before you did it with Thor.

Back when the fear hadn't had too much of an influence on you life you used to cook on a regular basis and you even enjoyed doing so. But since the fear forced you to do things you had lost the interest in cooking. Eating had become something that you needed to do to keep your body working. Nothing more, nothing less.

You payed and then you left, smiling a faked smile at the woman at the cashier. Just because she looked so sad.

Then you left. The moment your feet touched the street you felt a tension build up inside of you. Your fingers squeezed around the umbrella in your left hand.

You froze, feeling the air being pushed out of you. Then you started running.

You ran faster than you had expected you could, carrying a heavy bag filled with food.

You needed to get home. There was a thunderstorm coming. It couldn't hit you on the road.

As the supermarket you had been to was not too far away from your flat you arrived there soon, kicking the door open and crashing to the floor, panting heavily.

Your hands were shaking and you felt tears running down your cheeks.

Then Opal was there. She ran around the corner like crazy, barely managing to stop in front of you and bumping her little head into your chest as a result.

A fear of thunder (Thor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now