I love you

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Nothing else that is worth mentioning happened on this day. The two of you made and ate the pop tarts and Thor was as happy as a child when you said that you liked them. Then you played with the cats, watched TV and Thor fell asleep on the sofa. You covered him with a blanket, got ready, turned off the TV and went to bed with Opal at your side. Loki stayed with Thor.

You still were the one Loki thought to be responsible for the feeding and so he woke you up early in the morning, as usual. You fed the cats and checked on Thor. He was still fast asleep. Not a surprise at all, it was five o'clock in the morning.

Yawning you went to bed again and fell asleep instantly. You didn't sleep long though. Your body was used to getting up early now and didn't allow you too much rest. At about half past seven you accepted that the night was over and you had to get up. Thor was still asleep.

So you got ready and even managed to make a healthy breakfast. You had had too much sweets and sugar yesterday so you went for fruits and yoghurt and cereals. You arranged the same things for Thor and decided that it was time to wake him up. So you woke him up.

He was grumpy and tired but he rose and after he had finished eating his breakfast he was his usual, cheerful, happy self. He played with Loki while you cleaned up.

"What are we going to do today?" , he asked as soon as you entered the kitchen. You looked out of the window. It was sunny and warm outside.

"We could go to the zoo", you suggested. Thor looked at you, questioning.

"You don't know what this is, do you?" , you asked smiling. You liked it when you could show Thor things he didn't know.

"No, but I am sure you will tell me what it is" , he laughed, throwing Loki's favourite mouse across the whole room.

"Well it's a place where you can look at wild animals such as wolves or lions or others" , you explained. There wasn't much more to say.

"So you do keep lions and wolves as pets too!" , stated Thor.

"No, we don't. They are not exactly pets" , you explained.

Thor was curious and very keen on going to the zoo. So you took him. He was just like a child, asking questions all the time. There were many animals he had never seen before. Especially the parrots fascinated him. He loved the colourful birds with their big wings and you really struggled to get him moving again.

You got stuck at the penguin cage too. He remembered this birds from the documentary you had watched and successfully mispronounced their names. He thought them to be cute and he thought that they reminded him of Loki. But you slowly started to believe that everything reminded him of Loki.

He also asked if you could get some guinea pigs (you feared Loki would eat them or at least try to), penguins (No, you didn't like the idea of sliding into the bathroom because the carpet was frozen), an eagle (hell no!), a porcupine (No, too spiky), some budgies (still this Loki problem but he would most likely succeed eating them) or a tarantula (No!).

You left the zoo with some plushies to keep Thor happy. He had chosen a lion as a good companion for Loki, a penguin because he liked them and a parrot. You didn't get a plushy for yourself. You didn't really like those things.

When you returned home your feet were hurting so you went to bathe them while Thor caught Loki and told him about all the animals he had seen in the zoo.

You both were hungry and so you decided to start cooking. Thor was keen on proving himself and help the best he could. It actually turned out well.

"You're not as bad at cooking as I expected you to be! Did you secretly practice?" , you joked. Thor turned red and you were surprised that he seemed to really have done so.

A fear of thunder (Thor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now