2- Strange's Life

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Strange's p.o.v

Knock knock

I suddenly open my eyes. "Ughhh... Seriously?! Now?"

I float down and straighten my legs, letting my feet touching the floor of the sanctum.

I walk down the stairs and across the main hall of the sanctum towards the door. My hand reaches for the door knob and turn it. As I swing the door open, I saw Wong on the other side.

"Wong?!" I shrieked at the bald man, also known as my friend.

He just smiles. "Stephen." He said, nodding a bit.

"You scared me good, dude!" I let out a heavy breath.

"Yeah? Sorry, my bad." He chuckles a bit. I sigh and calm myself.

"Please, come in." I said, welcoming him into the sanctum. He walks in and I shut the door behind him.

"You know, you could just use a portal to come in... I mean, you were out for like, an hour." I watch as he takes off his sweater, leaving his grey shirt and jeans.

"Thought I could have some walk."

"Yeah, I mean, you scared me, man."

We continued walking to the couch and sit down. It was the same couch that Thor and I sat when we first met, that time I helped him looking for his father.

"What were you doing?" Wong asks.

"Meditating" I answer simply.

"Good to know that you're still working on your skills. I'm sure you will be the best sorcerer-"

"Supreme, I know, Wong. You've told me that for thousands time." I cut him off. I close my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Please don't remind me...


Here it comes...

I open my eyes and sigh, looking at him.

"I know it's hard for you. I know it must be hard." He says.

"Look, please stop. I don't want to remember about it anymore." I said defensively.

"Stephen, don't be like this. The Ancient One sure doesn't want you to be like this. She's-"

"SHE'S DEAD,WONG! She's-" I stopped, started to slowly looking down, dropping my head to my lap, sighing. How many times I sighed already, I don't know.

I noticed Wong starting to keep the silence, letting me to relax and calm myself down. Once I did, I look up and stare at my shaking, scarred hands. I take them up and cover my face, trying to hold tears from forming in my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." My voice cracked since I covered my face as I tried not to cry.

I lowered my hands and put it on the hand resting of the couch, taking in a deep breath before letting it out.

"I'm sorry. You're right. Actually I'm doing more research to train myself with new skills." I stop as I watch Wong making an 'ah, I see' look to me.

"No wonder new sorcerers keep complaining about portal gateways showed up almost everyday in the library." Wong says, chuckling. I joined him laughing along.

"You scared them, Stephen Strange. You know I told you-"

"Opening portals to the inside of the library is forbidden, I know." I cut him off, both of us still laughing.

"It's not my fault that I was too lazy to walk to the library." I calm myself down and followed by Wong.

"You know what? Let's change the rules. You can make gateways into the library now."

My eyes lighten up in excitement.

"Only if you are too lazy to walk to do research." He said, sarcastically. I didn't get offended, though.

"Will you do that to everyone?" I ask.

"Just... for you." He said after thinking for a while.

"Can you do that?" My eyes grew bigger.

"With your permission, Doctor Strange."

"Congrats, Wong." I said, looking straight into him.

He narrowed his eyebrows, wanting me to explain.


I smirked, straightening my body, answering.

"You're no longer my friend." He gives me a 'what the fuck' look, surprised.

"You're now my best friend." I said while standing up and walk off, followed by him.

"You're serious?!" Wong exclaimed, excitedly.

I let out giggles. "Of course, Beyonce." I said, before rolling my eyes.

A whisper of excited 'yes!' was heard from behind, before I noticed the figure of Wong beside me.

We keep walking.

"So where are we going?" Wong asked. That's the question I've been waiting for.

"To the library of Kamar-Taj."


I shot him a made up 'seriously?' look.

"Portals, of course."

He looks up at me. I give him a smirk.

"A Gateway into the library of Kamar-Taj."I waited for a few seconds.

"Let's use the new rule."

My life as a sorcerer supreme, master of mystic arts, damn smart and an ex- neurosurgeon.

I just love it.


There you go... Another short picture of our favourite neurosurgeon. This one has 794 words. Sorry this chapter pretty sucks. Tried my best, I need to learn more.

Sorry, do not kill me off now.

I'm just a little girl who is still learning about the world and life.

Oh god, sorry. I'm acting like a 14 year old kid now (I am, actually).

Sorry again this sucks. I'll do my best in the next chapter.

Also, I am so so so so so so so so so so sooooooo sorry because I took a reeeaaaallllyyyyyyyy long time to upload this chapter.


Sorry, guys. I've been really busy with schools. Homeworks, I was chosen to represent my school for a choral speaking.

I promise you guys that I will upload other chapters as soon as I can.

I'm trying to get used to be a writer.

A newbie.

That's it for now. No bromance happening by now. By nowww... ;) -wink wink

See you in the next update!

-Mister Doctor out

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