Chapter 5

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Nothing could explain the feeling of waking up in between the two most important people in your life. Sage and I have been sharing a bed since the time he got lost three years ago. It's always been a comfort having him next me as I slept but it never felt whole. That is until last week when we finally got our youngest triplet back. Rhiver had decided that he would be OK with sharing a bed with Sage and I. That night was the most amazing night of sleep I have ever had. I felt so warm and comfortable between those two. Today was no different.

"Blaze you're purring really loud." Oh shit. I turn my head to the left and meet Sage's drowsy eyes with a bright smile.

" Sorry, Saggie. I'm just really happy." I whisper as I nuzzle his neck while hugging Rhiver's sleeping body closer to my right side. I smile wider when Rhiver's much lighter purr vibrates into my body. It's adorable sometimes because Sage gets jealous in his sleep whenever Rhiver pulls me away from him so I wake up some mornings with a curled Sage sleeping on my chest while Rhiver hugs me to him. Its a blessing and a curse having my two mates with me. I suffocate because of them trying to lay on top me but the feelings of the soothing warmth seeping in to my chest ease the feeling of not being able to breath.

"Mmm... I'm hungry." Rhiver groans stretching out his arms and back before snuggling back up to me while reaching out and caressing Sage's arm. I chuckle lowly when Sage shivers and purrs from Rhiver's touch, I always thought it was cute when Sage reacted to Rhiver because of how intense the reactions seemed.

"You're always hungry. Your stomach is like a bottomless pit." I joke as I ruffle his hair. Rhiver whines and crawls over me to get to sage where he immediately hides behind Sage.

"Leave me alooonneee. Bubby feed me!" Rhiver whines before rolling out of our king sized bed and crawling over to the door.

I chuckle softly stretching my tired muscles out as I begin to fully wake. Shimming out from under the comforter I put on my white bunny slippers Sage got me for Christmas last year and follow after Rhiver who got off the floor and walked out into the house.

"Come on, Sage. We gotta catch up to Rhiver." I mumble as I watch Rhiver walk down the stair case before disappearing in to the kitchen out of my view. My hand clenches in to a fist as I repress the urge to chase after him and bring him back up here with Sage and I, so I can keep him with me. Feeling a hand lay on my shoulder I look back and see Sage giving me a sympathetic look.

"He's only downstairs bubba. He's Ok, Daddy is most likely down there with him so he isn't alone." Sage utters lowly before leaning over and pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Come on let's go eat, I'm sure Rhiver is waiting for us."

With that Sage takes my clenched hand and eases it out so he can hold it properly before pulling me out of the room.

I'm so grateful for Sage. He just seems to understand everything, not with just me either. Anyone that happens to be going through something he just knows what to say. What to do to ease their pain or struggle. The members of the pack who are wounded or lost anyone due to altercations with rogues Sage seeks them out to soothe them. He understands that he can't fix them completely or at all sometimes but he does his best and everything he can to help them through any rough times they may go through. He's a great leader for our pack. Unlike me.

"Yo! AngelFace, You gotta eat eat so you can stay strong!" Rhiver screams snapping me from my thoughts. I look over to Rhiver who's on daddy's back as Daddy cooks up a steak. My mouth waters from the smell and I couldn't help the drop of drool that fell from my mouth.

"Someone's hungry." A deep voice chuckles from behind me and instinctively my body tense from the closeness of it.

With a shallow swallow I turn around and come face to face with papa. I take in his squint-y eyes and come to the conclusion that he must've just woken up. With a bit of hesitation I step closer to him and wrap my arms around his torso tightly. A minute goes by and he still hasn't hugged back yet. Oh goddess what if he didn't want me to touch him? What if he's still angry about the time I threw the vase at that elder?

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