Chapter 8

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Making my way toward the closed bathroom door I inhale deeply before grasping the knob and twisting it open. I push the door open slowly and peek in side my eyes meeting with a silent Rhiver whose sitting in the tub. With a shaky exhale I step inside and close the door behind me.

"You ready to get out, Panda?" I ask with a blush. Of course he's finished, Sage would not have sent me here if he wasn't. Why do I have to be so awkward around him?

"Yea." Rhiver reply's in a soft whisper after standing from the soapy water.

I swallow down the desire that threatens to spill from the sight of his naked body, this is not the time. We need to talk and he doesn't need me drooling from the sight of him.I shake my head when Zeus begins to drool at the thought of mounting him which doesn't help my want. I breath in deeply and walk over to the wrack that has our towels hanging. Grabbing the lavender colored towel that Rhiver claimed I walk over to the tub and help him out before wrapping him with it.

We settle in silence as I usher him out to our bedroom. Glancing around momentarily I realize that Sage had slipped out of the room. I'm gonna have to check up on him after we get done talking. With that in mind I dry Rhiver off being sure to be gentle before heading over to the dresser and pulling out some Pajamas for him. Which are a pair of silk boxers Daddy bought for him and one of my T-shirts.

I get Rhiver dressed quickly so he can be comfortable in clothing since I can feel his discomfort being naked right now. After getting him settled I take a seat next to him my hands folded together as we both think of what to say.

Then out of no where Rhiver begins to sob startling me from my thoughts. I reach over and grasps his hands tightly which makes him wail loudly before speaking, " Bl-Blaze, I'm so b-broken. I'm used and helpless. I feel so confused. Why would the Goddess allow this to happen? Why did she leave me unguarded? I feel as if I'm lost under water and I don't know which way is up. I'm drowning angel. I'm losing my battle with life and I don't feel as if I can go on anymore. I'm sorry you and Sage got stuck with a brother like me. A mate like me. I know I'm disgusting, Colton has ruined me and I am so tired of being scared. I'm just so tired."

My eyes water at his words. I understand to a point, Why would the goddess allow all of this to happen to him? To anyone? What is the purpose of having him tormented, given a chance to start over then tortured again? This is a sick joke that I wish my mate didn't have to be put through.

"Panda you are not disgusting. You could never disgust me, truly. You are a beautiful being and one that I'm proud to call my triplet and mate. It may seem as if the goddess has abandoned us in this time of need but I promise she has a plan. Even if it means that I hurt you too. I know I can be an ass sometimes. It's because I don't want you seeing what's truly going on inside my head. It's a mess. I have to go to therapy for the problems I have and it makes me feel weak knowing that despite not going through any of the horrible things you've been through I'm damaged. I feel horrible knowing that I'm broken when I should be helping you put your pieces back in place." I choke out looking up at Rhiver when he places his hand on my knee giving me a tense smile.

He squeezes my knee in comfort making my body relax slightly, "You shouldn't feel weak Angel. You're so strong Blaze." Rhiver leans close to my face reaching up with his hand and using his thumb to ease my furrowed brows and wipe the few tears that slipped past my defense," Just because we didn't go through the same things doesn't make your problems any less important. Hell the fact that they get to the point where everyone makes you feel threatened is more to deal with than the issues I have." He jokes halfheartedly trying to lighten the mood but it just makes me more upset.

"Rhiver... What happened today... I'm so sorry. I should not have snapped at you like I did. I should've understood your need to see your friend, the one you had after having such a shit childhood. And.. About you getting.. Ra-Raped.. I'm so sorry I wasn't there in time. I'm so so sorry." I groan out in agony wrapping my arms around his waist when he climbs on to my lap and wraps his arms around my neck shushing me as he pets my head.

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