Chapter 22

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    "Don't stop! Believing!" I bob my head to the beat inside my mind, "Hold on to that feeling!" I sing in an extra high pitched voice. The man in front of me growls loudly his foot tapping in annoyance with his arms crossed over his chest as he glares at me. My brow arches up in a challenge I open my mouth wide before continuing, "STREETLIGHTS! PEOPLE OHOHOHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Shut the fuck up or I swear on everything I believe in Ill kill that little shit of a mate." The man threatens lowly. I quiet down reluctantly my worry for Rhiver trumping my need to annoy this guy to high hell. I tilt my head a little to the side watching as he begins to mumble curses about some kid. Probably that possessed little kid that we saw before being attacked. After we were dragged to this house they took Rhiver in to another part of the house then dragged me down in to this cement basement. Zeus is salivating with the want to kill this guy but he made it pretty clear that if I tried anything at all he would harm Rhiver. I can not let that happen. I will not.

"So. My mate. If you want me to be docile and not annoying I would appreciate it if you brought him down here with me. You know. He's all alone in an unknown house after just being attacked and separated from me. I would be happy to have him with me." I comment sweetly a bright smile on my face even though I know my eyes are just overflowing with murder.

The man snorts sharply an evil smile pulling at his lips, an uneasy feeling settling in to my stomach. His eyes light up with amusement making the scar that is slashed across his eye crinkle, "Yea. This house isn't unknown to that Omega. " He teases darkly.

My brows furrow together in confusion. Zeus snarls loudly in my head wracking my brain with a ring from the sound of it. His hackles raises as he pushes for control wanting to sink is canines in to this guys flesh. I don't get it though, "What the hell are you talking about?" I ask dumbly.

He only smiles before leaving up the stairs slamming the door shut behind him. I'm left to myself in the basement, my mind frazzled as I try to figure out how he could possibly know Rhiver. How would Rhiver possibly know this house? Then it clicks. Colton! He's the shit that kidnapped my triplet when we were young. The man that defiled my mate at such a young age. My body begins to shake with fury.

"BLAZE!" I immediately push up from my seated position on the ground and rush up the stairs, slamming into the door with a grunt. I can hear Rhiver's hysterical crying when I press my ear against the wooden door, he sounds close! I back away for a moment then rush toward the door again bursting it open. Without waiting to ease the pain that shot through my shoulder I race down the hall following the distressed cries and whimpers of Rhiver. The sound of his cries poured fear directly in to my heart. I swear if Colton fucks with my mate in any way I'll kill him. I followed the fearful cries to a room at the end of the hall. I kick the door down and rush in just in time to see Rhiver curled in a ball on a small bed with Colton crawling towards him with a dark smile.

My nose flares in rage as I run over scooping Rhiver in to my arms ignoring the sting from his nails as he clings to me. The man from before growls at me his eyes glowing with anger but I quickly kick him away from me knocking him off of the bed on to the floor with a grunt. I roll off the side of the bed tucking Rhiver in to my chest and covered his body with my own. I bury my face in to Rhiver's light blonde hair covering Rhiver's trembling form with my body, fully prepared to take whatever this man's anger can dish out since I refuse to leave Rhiver vulnerable to attack. I will protect Rhiver with my life if I have to. My eyes squeeze tight ready for the impending pain to arrive hearing the determined heavy foot falls that make there way over to us.

But it never came.

I curiously peeked over my shoulder wondering what the guy was doing that was keeping him from whooping my ass. The brooding man was pounding angrily at an invisible force, kicking and growling while punching at whatever the hell was blocking him. My eyes wonder around quickly as I try to understand what was happening until I felt this ripple of energy flow out of me. My grip on Rhiver loosened but he still clung tightly. I had managed to summon the Goddess' shield. I worked for weeks trying to get it and it finally shows up when I needed it, maybe my determination to protect Rhiver made it easier to summon it.

"Colton! What have you done!?" The doors slams open everyone's eyes snap over to the child that stomped in to the dark room, eyes burning with a menacing fire. I narrow my eyes suspiciously seeing that the kids eyes were pitch black, this is the kid that attacked us. Colton sneered at me before turning to face the child that sort of resembles him. Who in there right mind would procreate with that creep?

"I was just gonna play with the little omega for a bit! You never said the brother had powers! How was I suppose to know? Do all of them have powers?" He fumes clenching his fist at his sides

The child hissed angrily at Colton throwing his hand out which knocked Colton back in to a bookcase. The bookcase toppled over on to him making Colton groan out in pain, " You idiot! Why do you think we were planning everything so precisely? They are fucking related to the Goddess! We were suppose to attack before they started learning how to control everything! Your god damned offspring running away didn't help the situation either because now their triplet will be gunning for us!" The small child spit in rage.

He threw an angry glare in our direction and I shrunk away from the attention. He stepped over in our direction causing me to scoot back just in case he could pass through the barrier. The little demon reaches his hand out his fingers burn with a loud sizzle the instant they made contact with the shield. My head raises in satisfaction knowing that he wouldn't be able to cause any harm to Rhiver or myself. The child pulled his hand away slowly examining the burnt skin that healed back steadily, his eyes lazily raising to meet my own.

"Don't look so complacent, spawn of the Goddess. Though you obviously have control of your powers, even the Goddess has issues holding it longer than two days. You will be no different, you'll be lucky to hold it for the night. As for you." His eyes shifted down to Rhiver, Rhiver flinches away from the cold stare of those black eyes. I cup the back of his head and hide his face against my neck growling dangerously at the demon.

He only smirked in response to my warning, " You, light haired one. We can see our surprised visit with you has done some damage, along with your reunion with your old captor. You will be no problem for us to handle, just know we only hold this form because he was the key to our release. This boy is of no use to us anymore. We noticed the concern you held for the boy, we wonder how you would bear the death of this child?" I feel the tension in his shoulders, his nails gripping my back as he squeezes his eyes shut. Even I look down at just the mere thought of the kid's death. He didn't ask for this.

In the woods, he even warned us away from him. Afraid that he would harm us, he fought against the Shadows that were in him. My heart goes out to the child as the Shadows dragged Colton out of the room, shutting the door behind them. I can't even imagine what he must be going through, having these Shadows forcing you to commit these terrible acts. He's only a child and yet he's been exposed to so much negativity.

"Blaze." Cradling Rhiver in to my chest I press a kiss to his head, " We can't let anything happen to that baby."

I nod slowly against his head. I feel a pull to him, a calling almost to protect him. But how? How are we going to get those things out of him? They have his body hostage, if we were to try and attack them physically I'm willing to bet my life that it would hurt him too. It's the same protective urge I have with my pups, with Sage. With Rhiver. The Goddess must've known that the Shadows were holding on to him, that's why she couldn't kill him. He's just a baby. How could she think we would be able to? I would rather kill myself than kill that innocent child.

"I know." Nuzzling his head I comb my hair through his silky hair, "We'll find a way out of this mess and then we can find a way to help him."

Rhiver hums lowly before shutting his eyes and going quiet leaving me alone.

Leaning back against the wall I gaze up to the smooth white ceiling and bite my bottom lip thoughtfully. I squeeze Rhiver's still form tightly feeling reassured having him so close to me. A long sigh falls from my lips when a blanket of exhaustion falls over my body. My eyelids grow heavy suddenly with fatigue my head bobbing up and down as I fight against the unexpected urge to sleep.

<Blaze, >Zeus tsks softly my barely there conscious focusing on his words, < Sleep. You need to have you rest. You both do. I will watch over you two while you d so. So sleep.> He coos softly

I nibble on my lip in thought before agreeing with Zeus, I definitely need sleep. Glancing at Rhiver I press a small kiss to his temple then close my eyes after resting my head against the wall that the shield blocked us in. I fell asleep to the soft sounds of my mate's breathing and the thudding footsteps of people walking about in this freak show house.

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