Chapter 17

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         Honestly this chapter is going to be a big shift in the path of this story. Hopefully the shift is recieved well. Happy reading

                "Are you sure?"

     "How about you just lie down and we can cook you up some food."

      "Really Lake, are you sure you're ready to leave the house? We don't want you catching anything else, you are still healing." I swear having these two hound me like this is making me rethink my decision on coming out and getting back into the swing of things. I can't even enjoy my shower with them rambling on about me just taking it easy for the day. I've been taking it easy for the last month, I'm tired of laying in bed. Tired of not seeing my children and tired of not spending actual time with my mates.

   Sighing loudly I push back the purple and black colored shower curtain and glare at the two worry stricken wolves as they shoved each other trying to get into the bathroom. It's times like these where I feel like siblings, being annoyed and just wanting to beat them over the head until they stop being dickheads. I clear my throat gaining the attention of the two before flicking water in their direction. 

  "One. I'm fine, yes I want to do this. No I would not rather have either of you cook or tend to me. Two. Shouldn't you two be watching the children? I know that they are in the house but you know how crazy they get sometimes. Please, can you just go out there? I'll be done in a moment." I plead. Blaze whines softly at my plead not wanting to leave me alone but Sage sends me a smile then steps out of the rest room. I give Blaze another pleading look and that was enough for him to finally leave as well before closing the door behind him.

  Goddess those two are such pains sometimes.

 <They were just looking out for us.> Odele urges, I sigh in answer as I pull the curtain close then continue with washing my body with my dark green sponge.

 <I know that, Odele. But why do they have to be so push-y with it? I understand that the separation that occurred during my sickness was hard, I get it. I was affected too but I'm not trying to stick my nose up their asses!> I complain while rinsing the left over suds from my body. Once I was free of the bubbles I turn off the water then pull the curtains back and step out onto the black fluffy rug. 

 <They mean well. Don't be to hard on them, even Zeus and Malachi have been hounding me. They didn't know what was wrong with us, we didn't know. They were scared.> Yea I understand that. I was terrified when I vomited blood. Things got out of hand after that.

   I still can't believe my body flipped out the way it did. I asked Jack if maybe it was my body's reaction to giving birth to the pups. It's highly unlikely for an Alpha couple to produce more than one child at a time and we got five, I was thinking maybe it was my body freaking out. He told me that my body was perfectly fine the day after the kids birth, it was healing right away no delays or anything. The sickness just came out of the blue and honestly I felt something at the base of my skull almost snap before the blood came up. I felt like I was dying. My head felt like it was going to explode and catch fire at the same time. Even my veins felt on fire, it kind of reminded me of the heat cycle some wolves go through but on steroids and minus the want to be touched. 

 I dried myself off quickly while making my way out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom where my mates and I stay. Tossing the towel onto the bed and marched over to the dresser pulling open a drawer I search through my folded clothes before pulling out a pair of silk red boxer briefs and an old pair of sweatpants. The sweats are a pair that I stole from Adams house  a while back and I'm waiting for him to notice. It takes less than a second for the clothes to be on and I quickly make my way out of the room, shirtless, eager to see my babies. Turning into the living room I come to a stop when I see the most precious sight in all of the world. 

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