Part 2 : Chapter 12

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    Part 2: Battle Of The Shadows                                                       
             10,000 Years ago

   The Mcloughlin pack were one of the first few groups of wolves to ever come into existence. The packs made alliances with one another, trading materials and such. But the Mcloughlin group were mysterious, they stuck to themselves and shunned anyone outside of their own territory. The wolves of the Mcloughlin pack practiced black magic and worshiped the demons of the shadow world, they were called Daímonas tis skiás. The clan stayed hidden in their own little world, until one day the shadows came up with a scheme to destroy all living creatures. The shadows convinced the pack members that if the members allowed the shadows to take the first child of the Alpha they will give the members power to rule over all other supernatural creature. 

  The Alpha, Zeth Mcloughlin, jumped at the opportunity to wipe out all other wolves. The Alpha had two sons at the time, one of the only two Alphas that managed to produce off springs. The oldest was seven years of age when his father sacrificed him to the demons. Instantly a black portal opened and thousands of shadows slithered out before crawling over to Zeth. The shadows all at once entered the man's body anyway possible and that was the beginning.

Alpha Zeth started his attacks the following evening, he sent the shadows out to each of the seven other packs and  began the slaughtering. The goddess was horrified at the sight of her creations killing each other especially with the help of the darkness. The goddess came down on to the earth for the first time enraged at the display. Burning with anger and sadness the Moon Goddess, with a wave of her hand, eliminated every single creature she made. Wolves, Golems, Trolls, animals of every kind, every one of her children that she cherished. The lands were ravaged by the uncontrollable shadows, forests burned down, no green or color. It was a barren land destroyed by war between creatures.

   The goddess cried for months at the ending of her children, she was torn between making more creatures to love or leaving the world empty of living things to make sure that no critter could fall prey to the shadows. Her sadness got to the point where she didn't care about the possibility of war and darkness. The goddess began to create again yet she didn't breath life in to any of the organisms until she made sure the shadows would never be able to enter this world. A world that was made for life and light.

   "In times of darkness, the fallen are revived. The door to evil opens. A descendant of the moon can push back the dark. With the fire of yin and yang, evil can be defeated. The moon will guide thee to rise above the tainted."

    With this prophecy enforced the Goddess become joyful once again and with the magical block on the shadow world in place the world flourished once again.

   Deep in the depths of the shadow world was a shivering slim man with a small two year old boy watching the inky figures slink around angrily. The shadows saved the son and mate of the late Alpha Zeth. The shadows felt the on coming Goddess and knew that their plan to kill all had failed. So for precaution the demons took the final child of the Alpha Mcloughlin blood line as a security measure. 

   The shadows kept the two in the their realm until the land of the goddess began to grow again, the shadows couldn't come out because of the seal but the demons sent the last two Mcloughlins out in to the world. The mate of  Zeth raised up their son making sure to tell him of the fall of their great clan. The stories of their family were later forgotten but their was one very distant family of descendants that were proud of their family's past. And the oldest son of this modern world wolf family had a feeling that he could be the next controller of the shadows and he knew he could do it more precisely.  


A year after the triplets eighteenth birthday

"I promise you Travis, if my child doesn't live through this I'll kill you." He growls dangerously, the murderous intent obvious within his flaming gold eyes.

My eyes squeeze tightly out of fear and pain, my tail stiffening from the contractions. I've been in labor for the past thirteen hours with Colton at my side threatening me ever since I shifted for the birth of my pup. Panting heavily I can't help but feel a wave of depression come over me when I catch a glimpse of Colton running his hand through his short dark brown hair impatiently.

I ran in to Colton a less than a year ago and immediately he took an interest in me. With me being a wanderer I was happy that someone took an interest in me. He was okay in the beginning but the moment my heat hit, he changed. During the time where we actually mated he was so rough, he was like a different person. Then it got worse when we found out I was carrying. I was ecstatic about it, despite the way Colton acted I ended up falling in love with him. But Colton was happy for a different reason than me, he began disappearing more often, he stopped showing up for the walks I liked taking. And one day I got the thought, I know nothing about Colton other than he's a rogue and his family once was very powerful and influential.

I went searching for Colton to discuss the issue but when I entered the room he was in there chanting some kind of weird language. I was frightened and confused, but overall I was panicked, I recognized the dead language as an old Latin used to contact shadows. Shadows are little devils that feed on peoples insanity, pain, anger any kind of negative emotion that is used for negative intentions. They use the person's emotions to gain power. I was horrified when I found out I ran out of the room faster than a heartbeat. I tried to get away but I was caught before I could get far enough.

Feeling my tail getting lifted causes my head to raise quickly off of the scratchy carpet. A loud whimper pulls from my muzzle when he pulls it harder but when he shoots an angry glare in my direction I hush instantly and focus on the child I feel making its way out.

Counting to ten in my head I push for fifteen seconds before relaxing, panting heavily. Suddenly I feel a tugging sensation, alarmed at the unnatural sensation I look back and see Colton pulling the pup out by his tiny front legs. My wolf growls lowly and tries to scoot away from him only Colton had other ideas. Colton pulled my tail once again gaining a pop when the joint pulled from its assigned socket. Pain shoots up my spine as tears fill my eyes.

"Now push or if you really want to irritate me I can do a C-section right here." To add affect to his threat his claws began to elongate as he pressed them against my underbelly with slight pressure.

I nod my head quickly tears mixing in to my silver-ish fur, pushing with all my might when I feel a contraction. After what felt like hours of pushing and pulling, a huge pressure was lifted off of my stomach and lower body giving me a chance to take in a much needed breath. My immediate instinct was to reach around and clean off my beautiful pup but I didn't have that luxury. The moment I turned around to grab my child Colton had him in his arms staring at the reddish-brown pup silently.

My stress levels shot through the roof seeing my defenseless baby in the arms of someone I loved yet knew was dangerous.

"You're services have been greatly appreciated Travis. It's been good, but I have what I need and I'm taking the offspring." Colton announces hollowly just as a dark portal opens behind him, thousands of soft whispers flooding out of the pitch black hole. What is he doing with my son?

I let out an echoing growl when he turned away from me, but he swiftly ignored my growl. A smile pulls at his lips matching the insane look he had in his eye.

"This is only the beginning.. I will be a god, destroying anyone who goes against you and bringing honor back to our family..Matthias Mcloughlin."

I watch tearfully as Colton raises his head high before stepping in to the portal right as it began to close. The last thing I could see of my son was the flick of his fuzzy little red-brown ear as Colton started a walk through the shadows.

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