2 | trust your heart

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Leia listened patiently as Rey explained (with difficulty) the nature of her connection with Ben

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Leia listened patiently as Rey explained (with difficulty) the nature of her connection with Ben. Staring blankly into the stars for most of it, drifting into memory of Han for the rest of it, Leia's face was finally broken with a smile when Rey concluded,

"I just don't know what this is between us."

Leia chuckled. "Of course you do."

Rey didn't appreciate the condescension. "I assure you, I don't. Forgive me, but your son is a total enigma."

"And you want to go straight to the bottom of that enigma, don't you?" said Leia.

Rey stood with a gaping mouth and blinking eyes the way she usually did when she was at a loss for words.

"As if there has ever been a shortcut to the depths of him," Leia shook her head. "I'm sorry, my dear, but the kid has no bottom. There's no answer to this riddle. There's only one way to love him, and that's as he is."

"Love him?" Rey hissed. 

"Somehow a woman loved the man who made me," Leia stood with a regal and wry look in her eye. "It took me years to finally refer to him as 'father' without shuddering."

"Forgive me, Leia," said Rey in disgust. "But however did you manage it?"

"Conversations with my brother, Luke," said Leia. "Many of them." She looked out upon the stars again, rubbing her thumb on her fingers in thought. At length, she spoke again.

"Luke wanted me to forgive him," she said, and looked suddenly grave. "I came to understand, to the measure a soul has known the darkness, it can hold the light."

Leia brightened, walked over, and took Rey's hands in reassurance. "You were alone in the desert for far too long, Rey. Don't worry; you're with family now."

Leia pressed a button on a nearby console and asked to have her private shuttle prepared for takeoff.

"Where are you going?" said Rey desperately. "The Imperial fleet are bound to start hunting for rebels everywhere. We have to save as many as we can. What are you doing?"

"What I should have done years ago--finish Ben's training," said Leia.

Rey smiled with surprise. "You're a Jedi?"

Leia rolled her eyes. "I've read the books and learned the tricks, but laser swords aren't my style. I don't really use the Force the way the rest of them do. I technically stand apart from the Order. Luke understood. I warned him about Ben's strength...that something new was coming."

They paused in silence as Leia bowed her head in grief.

"We all failed Ben," said Leia. "And we all have to face it."

"Please don't go, Leia," said Rey.

Once more, Leia placed a comforting hand on Rey's shoulder. Leia smiled and gave Rey one last embrace.

"Trust your heart," said Leia. "It won't lie."

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