4 | crushed

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It was certain they would lose the battle, but they all continued to fight, retreating a few steps with every brave attempt to hold their ground. Suddenly, Rey thought she'd been crushed with a sound cannon. She couldn't breathe, and she stumbled. Her shoulder was grazed by a laser blast. Her vision was so swallowed in shadows and blinding light, she couldn't see the laser blade of the trooper general coming down upon her. Finn called out, rushing to her, blocking the blow just in time.  Together, they took down the general, and Finn rushed Rey to the sidelines.

Finn took Rey's face in his hands. Her eyes rolled up to the sky, and all she could do was choke and cry and scream. 

"What do I do?" he said

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"What do I do?" he said. "Rey, tell me what to do. Whaddo I do?"

Rey pawed at her neck, and pulled at her shirt. Confused, Finn tried to help Rey keep her clothes on. Rey reached out for Finn, gripping his shoulders. It was clear she wanted his help, but was so possessed she couldn't communicate at all. Finally, her vision cleared, the pain subsided, and she found Finn's desperate gaze. Rey threw her arms around Finn and sobbed.

"Finn, Leia is dead!" she said. 

"No, no," said Finn. "Are you sure?"

"I could see through her eyes," said Rey, gaining composure and brimming with fresh rage. "It was Kylo Ren."

The Imperial Army had activated their at-ats and were moving them into position. The remaining rebels were retreating, hijacking any vehicles they could to out-run the enemy or escape the planet. No clear leaders survived. The Rebellion was done for. 

Rey scrambled to her feet and made for a poorly-landed, yet functional fighter whose pilot was dead on the wing.  She pulled the body to the ground with little regard for the pilot's dignity. Finn compensated by dragging the body to the side, gently setting the pilot's head on the ground. Then he quickly turned to Rey, who was mounting the pilot's seat and activating the controls. Finn scaled the wing to challenge her rash behavior.

"Rey, wait, where are you going?" he said. 

"Kylo Ren, before he escapes," she said. "I can't perceive him anymore.  I have to get to him before he kills anyone else."

"Fine," said Finn. "Move aside. I'm coming with you."

Rey had one small moment of tender clarity. She placed her palm on Finn's chest and looked into his eyes. "No Finn, not this time." 

"I won't let you go again," Finn insisted.

Rey leaned over, gave Finn a chaste and sturdy kiss on the mouth, and initiated the cockpit close. 

"You will always be dear to me, Finn," she said. 

"Rey, don't go," Finn's eyes watered, and as the cockpit sealed, his voice could hardly be heard through the glass. "Don't go! Rey? Don't go!"

Rey pressed her palm to his on the other side of the glass. He slid from the wing, and was pulled away from the blasters by Chewbacca who had arrived too late to stop her.

Chewy's voice rattled after her, and then he questioned Finn.

"I don't know, she didn't say where," said Finn. "Only that she was going after Kylo Ren, and that General Leia..."

Chewbacca gave out a tender-solemn string of moans. Then, he motioned Finn to follow him to the Falcon where Rose was waiting anxiously on the loading gear. Laser blasts from the at-ats were filling the air, and barely missing their faces. Chewy had no time for nostalgia--he hopped into the pilot seat, and lifted the aircraft of the ground. Just before they could get the shields to come up, the Falcon shuttered. It was a direct hit to the hyperspace manifold. The very last burst Chewy could squeeze from what remained in the manifold was only just enough to get them away from the Imperial Fleet, which was choking what rebels could not slip through their grip.

Rey was left to the fate of her decision, and the darkness swallowing the galaxy.

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