8 | you're my only hope

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Rey led Ben to a cliff overlooking the shore where Luke's x-wing lay submerged in the shallow water

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Rey led Ben to a cliff overlooking the shore where Luke's x-wing lay submerged in the shallow water. Ben's eyes lit up. Although it would take some time to modify the old parts, Ben was sure he could get his shuttle space-worthy again. Even communications, if they were lucky.

"This is it, Ben," Rey turned to him and smiled triumphantly. "I'll lift this out of the water, we'll fix your shuttle, and assemble the remaining rebels. With your craft, we could plan an infiltration..."

Ben's face grew hard. He shook his head and started to walk away.

"Ben, what is it?" she said.

Ben turned again, and marched straight up to Rey until he towered over her face.

"I will not play this game," he said. "I've been seduced enough by the dark side; if you're trying to seduce me to the light, then keep your lips on your own face."

"I'm not playing at anything," said Rey. "And you have turned to the light, Ben."

"What does that mean, turn to the light?" said Ben, fed up with all talk of the Force. "I can't deny what I've done. How does killing a different group of people change anything about my nature?"

"The Empire is evil, Ben," she said. "People think there's no way out. With the Rebellion and the Jedi, they have something to look to, and a way to fight their oppression."

"Don't you see?" said Ben with overwhelming vexation. "Don't you see, Rey? The Force can't be split anymore! Light and dark and Jedi and Sith; Empire, Rebellion, it just goes on and on. The Rebellion is dead. The Jedi Order has to end."

"But you said it yourself, Ben, the Jedi can be made new!"

With a furious look, Ben paced away and made fists. Rey's habit of hearing what she wanted to hear was already getting to be too much for him. Seeing the x-wing gently placed below the waves, a few logical deductions occurred to him.

"Did Luke train you?" he snapped. "Did he?"

Rey hesitated, unwilling to allow Ben to best her in the argument.

"He taught me to connect with the Force. I've seen the dark side," she said. "I've lifted a whole pile of boulders...!"

"I don't care if you can move a planet," said Ben

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"I don't care if you can move a planet," said Ben. "Luke may have given you a few lessons, but there's no way you could have matured into anything more than a fledgling padawan. And even then, no one can prepare a Jedi for a real encounter with the dark side and its profound power. The Force is with you, but you don't know the first thing about being a Jedi."

Rey had no rebuttal for such an accurate evaluation.

"Luke didn't crash his ship into the water, he tore off pieces to make a door for his hut, and then used the Force to submerge it," he said, drawing closer to Rey. Ben softened his tone to one of explanation rather than accusation. "He wasn't stranded like us. He was hiding. He was planning to die."

Rey averted her eyes, embarrassed.

"He knew what I know, and so did Leia," said Ben. "What you know of the Jedi is a dream, Rey. Wake up. You're no good to anyone asleep in a fairy tale."

Although consternating and unpleasant, Rey was able to connect all the things she had been told by these elders. As Ben's version of the truth coalesced in her understanding, she started to feel as though this whole time she had been treading on very ancient and sacred ground with ungraceful feet, and was ashamed. Nevertheless, she took in a breath and straightened her stance.

"I didn't choose this path, you know," Rey said. "Or this...power. It frightens me."

"It should," said Ben, and the following silence was sober.

"I have the texts," Rey confessed. "Off planet. I took them. I will use them, I will learn to use the Force for good, and I will teach others, and you cannot stop me. I've seen too many good creatures suffer at the hands of the Empire to let the Jedi fade."

"The Jedi can't make it better," said Ben with intensity. "Look at me! I am a Jedi, and I killed my uncle, my father, my...my mother!"

The two were at a complete impasse. Neither would budge, and the struggle weakened them both.

"It's the only hope I can see!" Rey said, shaking her head.

"You underestimate yourself," said Ben.

"What do you mean?"

"Can't you see, you're my only hope?" he said.

Exasperated, Ben started to walk off. The Force lunged Rey after him, and she heard the voice of Luke whispering in her head, You need a teacher.

"Ben!" she called. "I can't do this on my own. Will you teach me?"

Ben turned to her, encouraged. Placing his hand gently on her arm, he replied. "Yes. Yes I will."

"No promises," she said.


Rey turned herself to the ocean, closed her eyes and took a very deep breath. When her mind was calm, she sprawled out her hands and fingers until she could feel the water and the craft and the fishes and the salt and the rocks and the air...it was all the same.

The x-wing started to rattle beneath the waves

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The x-wing started to rattle beneath the waves. It shifted and lifted until finally the tip of the hull breached the surface. But then a sensation surprised her--another presence. Her friends in distress. Worried, lonely. She thought of leaving Finn alone. She of all people knew the savage effects of abandonment. How could she do that to him? The ship started to sink. Rey doubted her gifts, her connection to the Force, everything. And then, hands supported her elbows and Ben's warm breath alighted on her neck as he whispered in her ear.

"You are here, now," he counseled. "There is nothing else than this moment. Listen to my voice."

As she tuned to his words, it became as he said. You can feel the water leaving the ship; the air rushing into the compartments. Every element of metal and machinery is coming to you, steady through the blowing wind. The space between their molecules make way for each other. There is only the Force. There is only this moment. The x-wing settled on the field next to the Ben's shuttle.

"You are here, now," said Ben, and Rey opened her eyes.

"Ben, I see you," she said, still facing the ocean.

For a few fleeting moments, Ben felt the Force expand inside him. He wished he could hold on to it just a bit longer, but as quickly as the door had opened, it was shut.

"Well done," said Ben. "I didn't have to make you stand on your head."

Ben chuckled at Rey's puzzled expression as they went to inspect the x-wing.

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