12 | force of touch

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Ben awakened to the stale air of Rey's hut, groggy from dreams in which he rehearsed the mind-rapes he had endured, blurred with quick slashes of endless red-laser-light-deaths he had inflicted. His training taught him this would always be with him, and there was no substance or distraction that would quiet the darkness. Only to embrace it, to let fear fuel hate and fuel power. To what end now? Now that there was no apparent power at the end of this process, only pain?  Strike me down in anger, his uncle had said, and I'll always be with you. Ben wondered if Luke knew this had always been Ben's truest desire--that the ones he loved would always be with him. What an irony that his mother's gift had cut him off from all three of the folks he held so dear.

 What an irony that his mother's gift had cut him off from all three of the folks he held so dear

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These sexual felicities with Rey could not endure, and Ben did not need the Force to know that. Logic was enough to remind him time was of the essence. The Knights of Ren were waiting for his reemergence, and a whole empire would soon need enlightened leadership, especially as word of General Organa's murder spread through the galaxy. There was no way to convince millions of souls to forgive Kylo Ren or even find the numb indifference Ben mustered for himself. What was done was done. Difficult decisions had to be made in the coming days if Ben was to restore order to all this looming chaos. But he did not want to make those decisions today.

Today, Ben sought to steal a few more hours from fate. In the short years to follow, during very rare, quiet moments, Ben would remember this day in particular. In fact, the vignettes from this day would follow him to the last few breaths before his untimely death, and ring like distant, pleasant bells just before he smiled and faded away.

Rey had been deep into the guts of Ben's shuttle for a couple of hours when he approached her in the field. He had clearly come straight from the floor of her hut, still flanked with haphazard pants. Bare-footed and bare-chested, shameless in the simmering sunlight of late morning.

"I'm coming at you with a blaster, or I'm screaming out my location to the enemy, or I'm really getting on your nerves, and you have no weapons near you," said Ben. "What do you do?"

Puzzled by the lack of context, Rey stepped out of the shuttle with blackened, greasy hands and squinted at him. "Is this a test?"

Ben ambled with even speed until Rey was within reach. He grabbed her forearms (carefully avoiding the grease) and pressed her against the hydraulic poles of the shuttle door. Playfully simulating her capture, he invaded her face with patchy and sharp facial hair. Rey laughed and squirmed, disapproving of the sensations, but by no means resisting him.

"Or say, you're being detained by an older, rakish man, but you're not interested in killing him with your dirty, greasy hands...what do you do?"

"Aaahh," she cooed as she caught on to the lesson. "Do you mean that choke-thing I've heard about?"

"The situation is very dire, Rey," Ben spoke through the sides of his mouth while kissing her repeatedly on the lips. "You must take action."

Through the sides of her mouth she replied, "Your breath is a dire situation."

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