14 | the force finds balance

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Poe rolled his eyes as Rey finished retching for the final time in the sink alcove. She steadied herself on the counter, and then pressed a bit of cold water on her face and neck washed the vomit away with several careful drinks.

"You're not going," said Poe. "You're not fit for battle."

"Don't tell me what I will and will not do, Commander," she said. "I'm perfectly fit to run operations on the ground."

"Oh, you're running operations, now?" said Poe. "Who died and made you Leia?"

Disgusted, and without an answer for such a thoughtless comment, Rey welled up with tears

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Disgusted, and without an answer for such a thoughtless comment, Rey welled up with tears.

"You're an ass."

Rey charged off toward her quarters and Poe followed close behind.

"Rey, of course you're capable and it's the logical choice, but what I'm trying to say is, you're in no condition for this."

"What do you know about my condition?" blurted Rey.

"What, Jedis don't get sick? Everyone gets sick every now and then; it's okay to take a break," said Poe with a volume that everyone else in the adjoining hallways could hear, and then lowered his voice to the level of Rey's ears only. "We would all understand if you wanted to take a few months and... find your bearings again."

Rey scoffed quietly and crossed her arms. "A few months?"

"Look Rey, you're not fooling anybody," leveled Poe. "You've been crying and throwing up for a couple weeks, now. Chewey's been quiet about it, but I know he smelled something on you the moment we rescued you from the woods."

Rey turned away and relented in glance only.

"You're gone for six weeks, only to not find Kylo Ren and then appear at the funeral at the same time as him, and let him go in peace?" Poe said, staring holes in Rey's face. "I may be an ass, but I'm not a moron."

Rey couldn't reply at first; she could only dissolve into tears. Poe softened, put an arm around her and pulled her just into her quarters and fully out of sight.

"I can't explain it, Poe," she whispered. "You wouldn't understand."

"Well, you better give me something to understand," he said gravely. "Because I can't be privy to fraternizations that could compromise the cause. Whatever impossible truths you're holding, they better be airtight. I don't want folks to get the wrong idea and put you or...anyone else...in harm's way."

"Kylo Ren is Leia's son," said Rey, gently rubbing her abdomen. "And his name is Ben."

Poe stared, still incredulous

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Poe stared, still incredulous.

"Ben is doing what he believes must be done. I have faith that he will return to the light and ultimately, we will win this war."

"Faith," said Poe.

"One way or another," said Rey. "The force must find balance."

Poe had become accustomed to cryptic answers from Jedi-types. He didn't like it, but in this situation he knew it was best not to pry or complain, especially if he was to maintain plausible deniability and prevent caustic rumors.

"It's not safe, you understand?" said Poe, still wary, but with tact. After all, he cared deeply for Rey, and was sorry for the horrible circumstances of such a beautiful potential. "I'm gonna take you to a crossroads planet and you're gonna charter a ride to somewhere else, and you're not gonna tell anyone where you're going; somewhere safe and secluded and far away. And when you find me again, it better be you and just you, recovered and ready to fight this war to the very end. Those are my terms, and I won't budge."

Rey was quiet for a moment. So many feelings coursed through her--new insights and yearnings were becoming stronger. Dark whisperings beckoning her faintly. Her own power was growing, and she feared she may not be able to hold or control the chaos when it finally required release. What damage could she cause then? How many lives would she risk if she did nothing to improve her mastery?

All things considered, Poe was right. It would be folly to procrastinate a secure location for confinement--if what she suspected was true. She wiped the tears from her face and resolutely stepped out into the common area of the ship.

"Everyone," she announced. "I have something to tell you."

All droids and her beloved friends stopped what they were doing and gathered.

"I know many of you disagree with by behavior at the funeral. I have reason to believe that Ben Solo, the Jedi within Kylo Ren is the key to winning this war. It is my opinion that for now, we should only seek to cross him if and when he or his forces strike against us--but do what you must. I know Ben certainly will. As for me, I am... sick, and fatigued. I intend to go somewhere secluded to rest and complete my training in the ways of the Force so that if I face Kylo Ren again...I will have the strength to defeat him once and for all."

"How long will you be gone?" said Finn.

"I don't know for sure; the training may take close to a year," said Rey, locking eyes with Poe. "But I promise you, I will return stronger, and we will defeat the Empire together."

"You'll be missed," said Poe, as he wiped yet more tears from Rey's cheek.

Rose was the first to break the awkward silence by rushing to hug Rey. Finn joined, and Chewbacca, and eventually Rey was surrounded with love and courage. A fitting dose of hope for the long, dark road of destiny ahead.

 A fitting dose of hope for the long, dark road of destiny ahead

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