10 | i demand a ransom

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Though Rey was clearly responding to Ben's flirtations, he noticed that her body language became increasingly demure as evening approached. She hardly spoke to him except to respond to direct questions with very short answers, but her voice was quiet and kind. The sunset was turning the horizon hues of blush when Ben realized that Rey had quietly wandered away. He walked to the huts to discover where she was.

Rey emerged from her hut wrapped in a yardage of gauze, holding a pile of sweaty clothes in her arms. Her glance met his, and she turned a coy smile beneath inviting eyes. Walking away, her back was fully exposed by the makeshift gown. She looked over her shoulder once to drop the hint again. Likely, Rey was headed to a freshwater pool hidden by a small, mossy entrance along the path around the hill. Ben scrambled to remove his boots and grab his laundry before rushing after her.

 Ben scrambled to remove his boots and grab his laundry before rushing after her

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The pool was rather wide. It had been carved over centuries by a natural waterfall still streaming into it. When Ben arrived, Rey was already swimming on the far side of the pool. As she swam toward him, Ben tried to make out the features of her nude body in the shadows of the water. He dropped his laundry on the moss.

"That water must be cold," he said.

"It's freezing," she said. Her rosy shoulders proved it. "It feels amazing."

Ben smirked and removed his pants. Shameless, Rey enjoyed his display.

"You know," said Ben. "You've been looking at me like that all day."

"Perceptive," she answered.

"Like what you see?" Ben crossed his arms, then looked down and moved the moss with his toe before returning to her face for a response.

Rey just smiled and dipped her mouth beneath the water.

Rey just smiled and dipped her mouth beneath the water

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Ben asked, "Are you accustomed to physical love?"

It was not more astonishing than Rey's reply.

"Yes," she said. "But never with a man."

At that, she slipped beneath the surface of the water and swam to the waterfall. Ben dove in and followed her through the pool. Rey sat on the rocky ledge beneath the gentle falls, pushing Ben away from the ledge with her feet every time he tried to pull himself up.

"Fearsome legs," he said with a fair amount of genuine surprise. She laughed at him.

Ben tried once more to swim to the ledge. When her foot touched his chest again, he took her ankle in a firm grip.

"That's enough," he said. "You're my prisoner."

Rey squealed as she twisted her leg, attempting to get free. "Don't you mean your guest?"

"I demand a ransom," he said.

"It's my foot, you barbarian," she laughed, still wiggling. "You're worse than the Hutts!"

"It's simple enough," said Ben. "Hear my terms or live a footless life."

Rey crossed her arms over her breasts and stopped struggling. "Alright, then. I'll hear your heinous terms."

Pulling gently on her leg to draw closer, Ben said, "You have to kiss me again."

Rey traced the scarred half of Ben's face with her fingers. She marveled at how much she had been able to hurt him. For a moment, she wondered if she might someday have to break his heart as well. She certainly couldn't bear to have him break hers.

"Very well," she said. "but you'll have to let go and come up here."

Ben released her leg. Rey stood up on the ledge and Ben hoisted himself up from the water with impressive strength. Obviously a bit self-conscious of his big ears, Ben shook his slick hair out until it fell over his eyes. She giggled again, shielding her face from the splatters of water.

"You have your foot, madam," said Ben, taking her face in his hands. "I want my kiss."

Rey didn't hesitate to oblige. His lips were purple with chill, but his tongue was warm. It sent tingles through her body. The two of them wrapped in water and this delicious feeling waking up inside her, it felt like every best dream she'd ever had.

Ben took his hands from her face for one moment to look at her, and Rey shoved him into the pool

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Ben took his hands from her face for one moment to look at her, and Rey shoved him into the pool. He made a brief, vulgar exclamation and managed to pull Rey into the pool behind him. They dodged each other like courting porpoises, and when they finally surfaced for air, they kissed some more.

The horseplay lasted until the stars started to sparkle brightly. They did manage to soak the sweat and grime from their clothes as well, talking and laughing until they knew the Caretakers were preparing to retire for the night. Finally, they made themselves presentable for the courtyard and wandered back to the huts.

They hung their clothes on a nearby line, and then lingered in silence at the door of Rey's hut. Ben couldn't seem to say anything, but also couldn't seem to move. He just stood as near to her as he could, even ran his lips along the crest of her forehead. What confused Rey the most was that every single thing she felt connected to wanted her to be with him; her past, her future, the moss beneath her feet, the sky, the fishes. But Ben, Ben himself was the only thing she didn't know, and this a was a decision she would not make lightly. Not with a man who had so recently been a mortal enemy.

The desire between them was so thick, even without the Force, Ben's energy begged for her. She wanted to lift the blanket that covered the door and take his hand. She raised her hands to do it, but squeezed her fingers together instead. Finally, Rey stretched her arms to either side of the humble, arched doorway, casually barring entry.

"Goodnight, Ben," she said.

Ben straightened his neck and swallowed, clearly disappointed, but respectfully so.

"Goodnight, Rey," said he, and returned to his hut for the night.

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