The Kennedy Life: Back to the Future: Ch.5

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Chapter 5

I do not believe in time travel.... But when I see a picture from my past, I tend to travel back in time....

~Agnes Christy


Rory had her eyes closed.

Her body ached. She had fallen asleep on the bed with her arm hanging out. She was snoring quietly on the bed when she felt the mattress squeak soflty. She didn't open her eyes but she felt her father, Robert F. Kennedy, stroke her hair gently and she muttered something in her sleep but she continued to sleep.

Her body shook and shivered with the cold. She felt someone out a blanket on her and she felt warmer. She opened her eyes and saw her father standing up to leave. "Wait." Her voice was soft. He looked down startled at her seeing her awake. "Don't go."

"You should be asleep," Bobby tried to sound cold but she just looked up and shook her head.

"Not...sleepy..."she managed. She rolled off the couch and grabbed her father's arm. She had a bandage on the place where she had pricked herself. "Daddy."

Bobby flinched. He sat down and rubbed Rory's arm, hoping it would sooth her. She fell asleep with her head in his lap. He gently started stroking her hair while she muttered in her sleep.

When Rory woke up, she was hanging off the couch by a finger. She groaned awake and saw that the sun had risen. It was 2:31 pm. She had fallen asleep late now she was waking up at 2:30 pm.

Rory felt like someone was watching her.

She turned her head, whirling on her attacker when she almost felt like she had stepped into an acid puddle. Jackie Kennedy, the First Lady, was staring awkwardly at her. The First Lady managed a gentle smile and looked Rory up and down. Her eyes were dark but pretty. She was gorgeous, Rory thought.

"Hello, Rory," she smiled at her. Rory shook with fear. "Would you like something to eat?"

Rory peered behind her. A pair of eyes stared from her mother's back. Caroline Kennedy, the little girl, was staring at her. She answered the question. "Yes, Mrs. Kennedy."

"I know who you are," Jackie didn't look at her in the eye. "Don't be afraid, Rory. I'm not going to hurt you."

Rory made her way up to her aunt. Caroline was peering from behind her mother. Jackie smiled and nodded at Rory. "Caroline, this is Rory. Rory Kennedy." She turned serious. "Don't tell anyone though, Caroline."

"Okay, Mummy!" Caroline nodded, confident. She walked up to Rory and smiled. Rory looked at her warily. She saw the older Caroline, whose eyes were dull and lifeless. Now they were bright and full of energy. "Hi, Rory!"

Rory couldn't help but smile. The smile was forced. "Hi, Caroline." She waved trying to feel excited but there was a lump in her throat of what would happen to Caroline later in the future.

She's so innocent, Rory reflected. The bright bubbly smile. The innocent blue eyes. And the short curly hair.

But now look what she's going to become in the future, Rory thought guilty. A wrecked girl faking a smile, and a woman fighting for what she stands up to.

Rory felt tears bubbling in her eyes but she didn't say anything. She wiped them away. Caroline didn't notice but Jackie did. She fidgeted slightly.

"You two want to go upstairs?" Jackie smiled. "We kind of have grown up talk to do."

"Okay!" Caroline was hyper. "Come on, Rory! I'll show you around."

Rory bit back a remark that she knew this palce too well. She didn't want to annoy Caroline so she nodded and followed the princess of Camelot to her room.


This was a boring chapter next chap will be more exciting I promise! I just wanted to show Rory's softer side! 😃✌️

Please, please, please review! Even though this chapter was boring! 😴😂

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