The Kennedy Life: Back to the Future: Ch.6

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  • Dedicated to Morgan Steele

Chapter 6

Time travel..will never be impossible forever.

~Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident


The smell of her father's perfume woke Caroline.

She didn't remember the smell so greatly but then her mother had showed her the smell and the liquidy smell caught in her throat. She opened her eyes, moaning at the pain of the light. John was sitting up, wiping his eyes and carefully making sure he hadn't slept on anything.

"Wake up!" Her brother batted her with a pillow. "It's 12 pm, Caroline. Move your lazy butt!"

She rolled off the bed, falling on her hands. She smirked up at her brother. "I'm awake."

She rubbed her eyes. It wasn't true, she was still half asleep. Rory had passed out near the couch and she was still asleep. There was blankets on her and Caroline didn't know where she'd gotten that from.

Caroline changed clothes from something someone had left on the table. She did it in the restroom where her brother wouldn't see her naked. She felt the smell of the perfume catch in her throat and a sob escaped her lips. Her sob wasn't really loud. She hoped no one had heard that.

You can't cry, Caroline told herself. A Kennedy doesn't cry.

It was true that a Kennedy didn't cry, Caroline told herself. Her brother had been the screaming one, the pouty one, that one that would throw tantrums.

Caroline opened the door and the smell got stronger here. She was close to crying now. Her face was red. She tried to regain her compusure by leaning against the wall. She fought back the tears running into her eyes.

"Can I help you?"

The quiet voice startled her. Caroline spun around, reacting violently. The woman there was Mrs. Shaw, the nanny. She looked at Caroline in a quiet way. Caroline sagged, losing her composure.

"I'm fine thank you." Caroline was quiet and she was speaking very softly. "I just need time alone." Mrs. Shaw nodded and walked away. Caroline buried her face into her hands, just crying. Crying with tears running down her face.

She rubbed her face trying to get a hold of herself. Her mascuara dripped down when she felt him behind her. Her body froze in numb shock and her heart was racing.

"Dad?" Her voice came out weak. Her heart was racing. She turned around very slowly and saw him standing there, raising an eyebrow at her. She collapsed and didn't know what she was doing but she was intent on running up to him. To feel his hair, warmth, his cheeks, his body and his love.

Caroline tripped across the floor but he managed to grab her just in time. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she was just crying, literally crying into his chest, feeling the tears in her eyes. He touched her face gently with his hand and he stroked back her long hair that ran into her eyes.

When he spoke, a vision full of memories exploded into Caroline's eyes. "So this is my little buttons? You're younger then I expected. I thought you'd be a little older." He didn't sound disappointed, he sounded pleased but angsty at the same time.

"Daddy." Her eyes were wet with tears. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't save you." She was crying into his shirt.

He stroked her hair. She had her face buried into his chest. "It's okay. I'm here now. I love you."

Caroline closed her eyes. She still saw his face splattered with blood. He picked her up using his gentle muscles and he dropped her over the bed.

She squirmed and sat up. He was rubbing her thighs. "Now, calm down, Caroline. What happened to you? You're all grown up." He was smiling gently at her. He had no warning of the future that he'd meet.

She looked at him trying to memorize his face. She had her mascura dripping from her face. "No. I can't tell you. You wouldn't believe me."

The father she never knew stared at her with his blue eyes, the liquid blue eyes that gleamed. She barely remembered staring into them. Those blue eyes couid draw you in. "Tell me." His voice held the air of a King. The King of Camelot.

"You want to know what's wrong?" Caroline began in a coolly chipped voice before she had to stop herself from screaming at him. "You die in office! You are assassinated on a Dallas street! Lyndon Johnson becomes president! We enter the Vietnam War! Richard Nixon becomes president. The hope America had is crushed. "

She wasn't sure why she was yelling at him. There were just crying and muffled tears escaping her eyes. The pain of losing her dad came back to her. The silence Jackie had drifted into. The depression of Robert F. Kennedy. And the accidents that had left Senator Edward Moore Kennedy almost dead.

Eventually when she calmed down, she told her father of the terrors the country would face. The Vitenam War. The Cold War. The swearing of President Nixon and President Johnson. And the space race that had changed America.

Caroline headed back to her room in tears. John was sitting up wiping his eyes and Rory had left the room.

Couid she, they, do it? She wondered silently to herself. Could they do what everyone had dreamed of doing? Prevent the Kennedy asassination, therefore changing history?


This chapter a little more brighter then the last one which was really dull! 😴😣


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