The Kennedy Life: Back to the Future- Ch.4

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Chapter 4

If time travel is possible, where are the tourists from the future?

Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time


"What are these things?"

Max watched the father he never knew pace around the room holding the clips in his right hand. The one on top was the JFK killing. The last one was the RFK one.

"They're asassination clips," Rory spoke softly just like Jackie Kennedy. "They are of 1960's."

Bobby frowned. "Well if these are films, I need to put them in a presenter. Come with me." He led the time travelers to a room with a table and a presenter on it. "Now since there are graphic images in, I want the little ones to cover their eyes. If I was your father, I wouldn't want you to watch things about people getting shot." Rory and Max turned away. Rory was smiling soflty but Bobby didn't notice. He turned on the tape/film. He was extremely confused. There was no gore and blood until the sound of a firecracker rang out. But it wasn't a firecracker, it was a bullet. The bullet smashed into his brother's throat who was in the video. A concerned Jackie Kennedy turned to see her husband clutching his throat. Another bang rang out and Jack Kennedy, the president of the United States, head exploded into a burst of blood and brains. Bobby screamed. "Dear Lord, what just happened?" He watched his mouth since two young ones were in the room.

Caroline watched him grab the other video. He concluded this was the last one. She watched him. "I'm not running for presidnet," her uncle said, confused. The scene switched to him lying on the floor, his head muddy with red blood. Ethel Kennedy was blocking the camera, screaming the "Give him air! Give him air!" sign to the people. Her face was streaked with terror. "Ethel looks terrified in this. Where did you get this?" Bobby flicked off the the tape and both Rory and Max turned around.

Caroline's mouth went dry. She wasn't sure how she should answer. If they told him, history would fall into the hands of the president and his brother. But the look on Kathleen's face told her what to do.

"You wouldn't believe us," she said slowly and quietly. "We will kill the shooters ourself."

Bobby bent down to her level. "Tell me. It depends on where you got is how I choose to believe you." He was afraid, Max noted. He had never recalled or seen his father afraid in video tapes or in real life stories that Ethel told them.

Caroline looked at him in the eye. "You asked for it. We are from the future. Senator Ted Kennedy sent us." She hid the fact they were related. Bobby would freak if he found out about his unknown daughter and son who never knew him.

The attorney General didn't believe them of course. "Why would Teddy send you?"

Caroline looked at him in the eyes. "I wouldn't tell you that part. You'll freak."

"Then you don't have any proof," Bobby said. "Get out of my house now. Or I'll call the president."

Caroline stared with disbelief at her uncle. He was refusing to believe it. "Mr. Kennedy, please listen to me-"

"No!" Bobby's temper snapped. "Get out of my house! I will call the president. Go back to where you came from!"

"We came from the future!" Caroline said. Her body burst with energy and crackles of anger. "'My name is Caroline. Caroline Kennedy!"

The room went dead silent. Rory had started chewing on her lower lip to manage time. Caroline felt suddenly lightheaded. Why did she say that? Kathleen was glaring at her.

Bobby stood up, dusting off the papers on the desk. "You're what?" His voice was low, dangerously slow to the point where Caroline had her back against the wall.

This isn't good, Max thought. He'd heard of his father's temper. Caroline had been the one that told him. She stared up at him, a look or defiance on her face. She wasn't afraid.

"I...I...I..." She was stammering. Max blinked, his eyes turning hard. Bobby stared down at her. She straightened up, the expression on her face turning hard. "I told you my name is Caroline."

"You're an imposter," Bobby snapped. "You can't be her! Where are your real parents?"

"My dad was killed by an assassin," Caroline revealed. "My mother is Jackie Kennedy I'm not lying."

Bobby grabbed a pen from the desk and chucked it across the room. The ink splattered on the wall. This is what happened when he went into a rage. Caroline winced and looked at her cousin then her brother.

Kathleen looked up at her dad. "What makes you think we are lying?"

Bobby glared at her. "You could have been sent by soviets."

"I'm not a soviet," Caroline said. "Take samples of our blood. You'll see who we are."

Her gaze met his, almost pleading for Bobby to believe her. Her face even though it was cakes with mud and sweat, was pleading with him. Bobby sighed and walked out of the room. He came back later with a needle and some containers. He pulled on Caroline's arm gently and he tossed the small scrap of the skirt away and pushed the needle into her arm. She grimaced but didn't complain.

Bobby stared intently at the blood in the needle. He pushed it into one of the containers. His next gaze was Kathleen, then John, Max, and then Rory, the youngest.

He put them in different containers and told them to wait. He would check the results. A few minutes he came staggering down the hallway, his eyes staring at them with complete disbelief.

"Now do you believe us?" Caroline asked, her voice low. Her eyes too white.

Bobby threw down the papers and stared intently at her. She furrowed her eyebrows as he stared at her.

"What do we do?"


Sorry for the slow update! 😭 one of my friends was being cyberbullied and she kind of helps with my stories so yeah sorry! 😕


On the other hand please review! 😘♥️

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