The Kennedy Life: Back to the Future: Ch.14

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Chapter 14

There's no future in time travel.

Gosh, that takes me back... or forward. That's the trouble with time travel, you can never remember.

-The Fourth Doctor, Doctor Who, "The Androids of Tara"


Max had no memory of Lyndon Johnson no matter how hard he tried. Johnson was a fading light in his memory.

John explained who Johnson was and how he thought the Vice President was with the Kennedy asassination. He first of all hated his father and Uncle Jack. And he liked to humiliate his father. Max disliked him already.

You shouldn't judge people too quickly, his mother, Ethel Kennedy, had once told him. Max had agreed at first but now hearing about Johnson want to make him puke.

Max had kind of now was listening to the conversation. "So what do we do to get rid of Johnson?"

"If we don't get rid of him," Kathleen began, "he's gonna cause more trouble in the future. He might try to kill Uncle Jack again."

"Do we kill him instead of killing the assassins?" Rory asked. She's been quiet the whole time. It was a shock she had spoken up.

"No." Kathleen was shaking her head. "If we kill Johnson, and Uncle Jack dies too, who will take over? We don't want the Soviet Union coming in and destroying everything we've fought to preserve. We have to expose Johnson. Once we do, he's off the ticket for reelection."

"He's gonna do something to prove he's innocent," Caroline cut in. "We need to steal a clip of some sorts to prove."

"Knowing Uncle Bobby, he'd just believe us." John spoke up.

"We need proof!" Kathleen was getting angry. "We can't just go up to Uncle Jack's face and say, 'Oh, uncle. You know Johnson's a traitor, right?' And then smile at him like an idiot. He wouldn't believe us. Sure he hates Johnson but he wouldn't agree with us unless we had some sort of advice."

Max kept quiet but when Kathleen turned on him, the whole room was waiting for his response. "How about we just wait until tomorrow?"

"It's settled then," Kathleen titled her head and smiled at him. "Pack your bags. We're leaving for San Antonio. We'll camp in the hotel Uncle Jack will stay. He's preserved a room for us and then we'll sneak on Air Force One next morning and follow to Dallas. To our fates: where we will change history for the better."

They packed up quickly and checked in their cards. Max turned around to look at the hotel. The smell of smoke outside would have made him puke but he didn't puke.

They settled into the right bus and Max watched the cars outside. He was bored out of his mind at the moment.

When they got to the other hotel, Max was staring out the window still. Kathleen nudged him to his feet. Theg went to a gun shop and she brought numerous guns. She took them to an open plain to practice. Rory and Max sat down, watching them shoot.

Caroline, even though, she hated guns, was firing pretty well. There was a click and a loud boom as her target clipped the tree. She covered her ears, dropping the gun on the floor.

"Wanna play tag?" Rory offered him. She had been watching her cousin shoot.

Max looked at his sister warily.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" She begged him. Max rolled his eyes and she touched him. "Tag you're it!"

Max narrowed his eyes at her. He rushed at her but she dove out of the way and he caught her. They were rolling in the grass until Kathleen said it was time to see the president.

The hotel was packed with people. They were crowded around the enterance waiting for President Kennedy. Max and the others fought their way to the front. Uncle Jack looked at them, straight in the eye, and he nodded at them. His eyes fell on the gun hiding in their backpacks. No one else saw it but his eyes showed clear disappointment.

This would be, Max reflected, President Kennedy's last night alive if they didn't stop Lyndon from hatching his plot.


Two chapters in one day! That's why I think I have this massive headache! 😅💕


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