The Kennedy Life: Back to the Future: Ch.7

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Chapter 7

First of all, time travel per se does not exist. 'Travel' implies that you choose both your destination and when you come back. It's more a 'time shot,' a 'time through.' But it's definitely not time travel.

~Francis Barel, Saving Kennedy

Present day- June 1974

David Kennedy sat down on the bench with a nervous Kara Kennedy sitting beside him. She was biting on her lip, something she did when she was nervous.

They both searched the place for the weird time travel portal Uncle Teddy had been ranting about. David hadn't been into it that much until Kara had told him it could take them back to 1963.

That was when David had agreed. He and Kara were about to go back to 63' to join their cousins and brothers/sister. Kara had instructed that they shouldn't get caught. So they had snuck out of the compound at midnight when everyone was asleep toward Uncle Teddy's house. David had several things packed. Some beers and some ciggerates and a stash of money had done the trick. Kara had just picked up some cokes and crackers with beef. She and her cousin sneaked across the room toward the portal. Uncle Teddy was asleep. David heard him snoring softly in the room.

Kara looked at him. "You ready for this?"

David shook his shoulders. "To admit it. I'm scared."

"Just stay close to me," she instructed him. David followed her. In the dark he couldn't see anything. He had to use his hands and his feet to find out where he was.

The walls turned white then blue. He could feel Kara still.

The colors stopped and they were standing over a cliff. Kara had the suitcase inbetween her legs. She was staring across the horizon. "This place is familiar."

David turned around to see the forest. There was forest behind them. Kara looked at the forest with frightened eyes. "Do we go in there?"

"Either that or we jump off the cliff," he replied. "What's your choice?"

"I'll go through the forest," she decided. She had changed her mind quickly.

They dashed through the forest. David couid feel eyes staring at them from the shadows. He thought it was animals until a crack of a bullet rang out. He heard Kara shriek.

David turned around to see a woman with white clothing. Her face was covered so he couldn't see her eyes or her body, or hair. She had a gun in her hand. The gun had furling smoke in it's pistol.

Something in David's mind clicked. The portal had the reason to transport them to the cliff and they had the choice to run into the woods or jump off the cliff. But where would running into the woods lead them? That was something stuck in his head. "Run!" He screeched at Kara. She ran past broken branches, bushes, and spiky brambles.

They ran out of the forest into a clearing. There was a huge house in the middle of the clearing. The Kennedy compound.

Secret service agents guarded the place tightly. They were complelty startled when they burst into the clearing. They were even more started when they saw the white people racing behind us. They started firing.

One bullet hit Kara's arm. She shrieked in pain and agnoy. She fell to the floor. I grabbed her as she fell to the floor.

"Come on!" I snapped. She and I both burst for the house. I opened the door. There stood a startled Max. The Max from our time. He looked at us with shock. There was other Kennedy's behind him. Kennedy's that were thought dead.

Kara fell to the floor, losing blood rapidly. I yelled out, "Kara!"

Her shoulder was wet with blood and the floor rushed up and smashes my face before I passed out.


Sorry for all the blood! Don't worry Kara will be okay! 🙏👌


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