The Kennedy Life: Back to the Future: Ch.11

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Chapter 11

Time travel. It's a cornucopia of disturbing concepts.

- Ron Stoppable, "Kim Possible"


The next few days dragged by slowly and painfully for David Anthony Kennedy.

When news of the attack spread like a wildfire, the officials sent him back to DC. David was emotional during that part. He didn't wish to go back to DC. He wished he could stay in Florida but they sent him back.

He could see that Caroline was slowly changing. She wasn't the laughing girl anymore. She was duller. She looked already like she'd failed in preventing the Kennedy asassination.

Caroline was picking at her food during dinner. The time travelers were eating chicken with soup with some soda. She wasn't eating anything just staring into space, almost like his father had been after Uncle Jack's death.

David felt a jolt when he recalled his father's death. His eyes burned with tears. He stopped himself from crying but Caroline was still staring off into space.

David went back to his room after they persuaded Caroline to eat something. She finally ate some chicken and drank a bit of soda. He didn't want to smoke so he instead flicked on the TV. Walter Cronkite came on the screen and jarred bloody images filled David's eyes. The bloody cursed pink suit that Aunt Jackie wore and his uncle's head exploding before his eyes.

David had a cookie from desert. He didn't realize he was crushing it with his hand out of anger. The crumbs were in his hand. Losing his appetite, David tossed the cookie crumbs into the trashcan.

Another image popped into his head. His mother, Ethel Kennedy, was standing holding her hand out, blocking the camera's view, screaming, "give him air, give him air!"

David shut off the TV. The mere thought of seeing Cronkite could cause him to go mad and smoke and get drunk. He didn't want that.

When he got into bed it was 2:30 am. He slept for three hours before waking up because of the nightmares of his past. After that he took a quick shower, the hot water scalding his flesh.

David stepped out of the water, dripping wet. He changed into something quick and fast before walking out the door. The halls were eeirly silent for David to hear a pin drop.

He wasn't hungry at all so he skipped breakfast. He paced the White House and noticed Uncle Jack staring out at the DC street. David watched him quietly as the president paced.

President Kennedy turned around startled and David took a step back. The president's eyes were red from the lack of sleep and his tall form seemed short and out of style.

"I'm sorry," David looked up at him. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"You didn't startle me, David." The president looked at him in the eye. "I should have listened to Caroline." He looked guiltly at his feet.

David was quiet. He didn't speak until he realized Uncle Jack was waiting for him to speak. "She tried to tell you. It was your ignorance that blinded you."

"I know." Uncle Jack seemed angsted over what he had done. "I wish there was some way I could apologize. What do I do?" The president was troubled. "Tell me David! What do I do?" He was desperate.

"Just stay calm," David ordered him. "You're gonna get through it. The Soviet Union will back down."

President Kennedy looked alarmed at him. "What do you mean they'll back down?"

"Once you present the speech," David said still calm, "they will back down, just trust me."

President Kennedy trusted David but the trust vanished in November of 1963.


I'm gonna skip to 1963 cause there are some things in 62' that really don't intereast me 🌚👌


Please review! ☺️💕😘

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