The Kennedy Life: Back to the Future: Ch.18

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Chapter 18

First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish. We propose to accelerate the development of the appropriate lunar space craft. We propose to develop alternate liquid and solid fuel boosters, much larger than any now being developed, until certain which is superior.

~John F. Kennedy


Rory watched with wide eyes as Lyndon began to back away slowly, the furious look in his eyes.

"You're gonna pay for this," Lyndon snarled, his expression full of hatred. "You will pay for this!" He turned and ran out of the Oval Office, out of the White House and out of DC.

Rory watched helplessy as the VP escaped. Caroline pulled a knife from her pocket and threw it. The blade hit the wall, missing it's target. It hit the portrait of Vice President Johnson instead.

"We can't let him get away!" Kathleen was ready to dart forward. Bobby caught her. Rory was amazed by the father she never knew. He seemed so strong.

"You're going to stay here." Bobby was forceful. "The Secret Service will track him down."

Kathleen stopped fighting as her father grabbed her. She looked into he father's eyes. "He's a threat. If we don't get him, he will end up killing you two in the future."

"She's right about that," Caroline added. "If we don't stop Lyndon, who will?"

Rory felt something in her chest. A deep dull ache she hadn't felt since she was a little girl. "I don't understand."

"We have to stay here longer," Kathleen said. "If we're going to stop Lyndon then who will?"

President Kennedy recuanlty agreed but he needed to pick a new VP. After he revealed what had happened, the president picked his old rival, Nixon to be VP. Any act of treason, Presidnet Kennedy concluded, would be a jail penalty.

The time travelers were finally revealed to the world and people were shocked. Even Krushev was sympathetic and he agreed to hunt down Johnson if people found him. The Soviet Union and the United States were working together and eventually they worked their way to up to go to the moon.

Kathleen and her brothers were sent to Hickory Hill where they made a bond with their younger selves. Caroline and John Jr stayed in the White House, becoming "heirs of Camelot" as people called them. Kara went to live with her parents for the time being who had been told the news recently of the time travelers.

Rory was dozing off on the bed when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She opened her eyes and saw David staring at her with a curious look in his eyes. She stared at him.

"Hello," David said quietly. "Rory." He smiled at her, showing his clean pure white teeth.

Rory rolled off the bed with a loud thump. She smirked at him. "Hi, David."

"You wanna go outside?" He asked her. "We're playing football."

Rory had played football with her family. It had been fun. She nodded and stood up. She was younger then David. Only 6 in this time. Well in reality she hadn't been born yet. "I'm coming." She stretched and followed David outside.

The cool air hit and blasted her face. Mature Kathleen was sitting on the grass, looking down at the earth. She looked up as Rory approached. Douglas had come out behind a younger Kathleen.

"There are 12 of us," Bobby concluded. "Ethel, you choose first pick."

"Going easy on me are you Bobby?" Ethel smirked at him. She looked at Rory who gazed back at her mother with glinting blue eyes. "Rory."

Rory was shocked. Why would Mom pick her? They weren't even aware of her talent!

"David." Bobby pointed to the older David who was clean and sober. He was leaning against the tree, one of those cocky smirks on his face.

"Joe," Ethel didn't bat an eyelash. Joe grinned with anticipation and walked over to his mother. He looked down at Rory and smiled. The smile was warm and welcoming just like Rory had expected.

"Kathleen." Bobby extended his hand to the younger one. She skipped over to her dad, and stood beside him.

"Bobby Jr." Ethel nodded to her son who walked over to her from a prodding from older David.

"Kerry." Bobby looked at his daughter.

They exchanged teammates. Ethel picked the younger smaller David. Bobby picked Micheal. Ethel picked the older Kathleen. And Bobby picked Douglas. Max sat out waiting for someone call him for it. Ethel let him ride one of the horses. Max who was born in 1965 impressed everyone with his riding skills.

Rory had the ball within her hands. She glanced behind to her see Bobby running to get her. A smirk crossed on her face. He can't get me!

She tripped but she was aware of the ball still in her hands. She curled up and defended the ball with her hands. Bobby laughed and caught her in his hands. She shrieked wirh laugher as the father she never knew tickled her in the stomach. "No! Daddy, stop!"

"Rory." His puppy eyes showed. He continued to tickle her in the stomach. She laughed, unable to hide her delight and he was tickling her, he took the ball from her hands. She fought back with might. "Come on now give me the ball."

Rory was laughing with delight but she didn't give him the ball. She clung to it.

Her dreams really had come true, she guessed. She got the privlage to go back in time and meet the father she never knew.

It wasn't the end yet though. They would have to stop Lyndon.

End of part 1


I'm working on the next part as I'm finishing 😊


If any of you are LBJ fans I encourage you not to read the next book 💞


Please review! 😍💕

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