Chapter 13 -- Let it Snow

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When I went downstairs I saw that the chairs were no longer by the entryway, and Kaylyn wasn't in the kitchen, nor the living room. Not wanting to bother him if he was in the library, I looked at the entryway. If he wanted me then he would have made an effort to find me – at least that's what I kept telling myself. My hands clenched at my sides as I peered out the blue glass of the door. The porch light was on and I saw shadows move across the door as large fat snowflakes fell from the sky.

A sudden longing to see the snow falling had me racing up the steps to my room. Without thought, I grabbed the large black down feather coat Quinn put in my closet and putting on the large black snow boots I headed back down the stairs. Sweat started to make my palms feel itchy, and there was a pounding to my heart that I blamed on excitement. It had been so long since I had been outside, especially to see the snow fall.

There was only one time I could remember seeing snow falling, and I had been in a cage without protection against the hazardous conditions, so I was more worried about my chattering teeth than the view around me.

Feeling for the bright green gloves that I stuffed into my pockets; I donned them on before I took a deep breath. One quick glance around me to prove that no one was about, I opened the door and headed outside. The cold air hit my hot face, and as I shut the door behind me a sense of mischief and wonder came over me.

I lifted my hood that was fringed with tan fur to protect my ears from the cold before I moved away from the porch light. The walkway from the house had been shoveled free along with the driveway that had a fresh pair of tracks. It took me a moment to recall that this was what it looked like when I first came to the establishment. It was as if someone kept the walkways and road clear at all times.

Walking further from the light, the crunch of snow under my boot became louder as a ventured into untouched territory. When I was far enough away from the light I lifted my face and gazed up at the falling snow that appeared like stars falling from the sky. I lifted my arms and when I caught a flake in my hand, I marveled that it almost filled my palm with its size, but it was quick to dissolve in my warm grasp.

It was too dark to walk far from the entryway, but wanting to be far away I headed for the road that led to the driveway. The snow on the road wasn't as deep so I chose that as my place to lay down. The snowflakes were cold wet kisses against my face, and I closed my eyes so I could better hear the flakes as they fell. Even as the cold started to seep through my coat—I continued to enjoy the moment. Pushing every thought out of my mind, I put all my attention on the beauty of everything around me. It was a nice reprieve from what had gone on that day.

Then, all too soon, my solitude was interrupted. When a sudden shiver wracked my body it had nothing to do with the cold but rather the presence of someone standing behind me.

"Giving up already." Kaylyn's voice sounded huskier in the silence of the night. I didn't know whether he meant my attempt at escape or my choice in location. From his vantage point he would have seen me laying down in tire tracks almost as if I was patiently waiting for someone to come around the bend unaware of my presence.

My sigh caused mist to condense in the air in front of me. Then before I could even think of a reply a large pile of snow crashed into my face with a blistering sting. Out of instinct I rose up and wiped at my face as I slightly crawled away not knowing if there was going to be another attack.

"What the hell?!" I shouted as I whipped around to glare at Kaylyn. With the light coming from behind him, he was a tall dark statue standing amongst the snow with his hands innocently laced behind his back.

"That was for earlier. Next time, think before you speak. Do not put me in a position where I have to defend your idiocy. Because if it happens again, you're on your own."

I sat back on my hunches in a bewildered defeat. I blinked at him a couple times. That was his punishment? Was that his way of getting back at me for undermining his authority and speaking out of a term with an Amaranthine guest?

I didn't know what I expected from him, but that was not it. There was something very off about these Amaranthine that I lived with. Even as chunks of snow clung to my hair from his snowball, I knew that I owed him my gratitude. Without his actions, Patrick would have tried to teach me a lesson. I could have handled it like I always did, but to have a vampire protect me from it? Any words I had died in my throat. I didn't know how to answer him so I chose silence.

Just then a loud howling noise not too far off in the distance caused hairs on my arm to raise. Right after the first another joined and then another until there was a cadence of howls. They sounded different than normal wolves – more menacing.

Still my eyes never left the predator in front of me.

"I'll see you inside, Slave, or you can stay here and wait for a vehicle to crush you. Though I'm sure the wolves will most likely find you first." His words were matter of fact.

As if sensing that the wolves were right behind me, I glanced back. The dark foliage stretched before my eyes, but the beasts were there hiding amongst the trees, I wouldn't have seen them. Feeling another chill run across my back, I turned around to find that I was alone. The porchlight was like a beacon, but Kaylyn was already inside.

The snow falling was so small that I could barely make it out in the darkness so with a sigh I got to my feet. As I trudged back to the mansion and then back to my room, I wondered what else these Amaranthine could surprise me with.


Sorry it's so short. Will try to post more tomorrow.

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Suggested song: Cold By Maroon 5 feat. Future <-- Link in the external

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