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I got tagged on so many things so I'll just combine a few.

1) Name a body part you are most insecure about. My thighs. I want Jungkook's thighs but I've been cursed by thunder thighs.

2) Who is you're celebrity crush at the moment? Shawn Mendes❤️

3) What are you most proud of? Being proud of saying I'm bisexual and not ashamed of it.

4) What do you most desire to accomplish? Finishing school and have a career that I love.

5) Do you think love at first sight exists? Never experienced it before so not sure.

6) Country you wanna visit? South Africa

7) What do you like experiencing with someone? Happiness

8) Tv show you can watch over again? Law & Order: SVU and Grey's Anatomy

9) Favorite daily activity you enjoy? Eating

10) What is something no one knows about you? Even though I do write smuts, I'm not really looking forward to any sexual activity.

11) Zodiac sign? Capricorn

12) Pets you've had/have? I've had dogs,cats,birds,hamsters,fish,turtles, and at the moment I have my cute little corgi Wizard.

13) Music you have on your phone? 95% kpop, 3% Nick Jonas, 2% Shawn Mendes

14) Someone you look up to? My parents

15) Favorite Cartoon? Gir (if you don't know who Gir is, it's the little robot in Invader Zim)

16) Are you a quiet person or a party person? A quiet person. I hate parties.

17) What do you most dislike?  Alcohol. Never tried it. Had some horrible experiences because of it. I cannot be near alcohol. I cannot be around people who are drinking alcohol.

18) What makes you like a person(what is your type)? Depends if I can get along with the person. I'll respect their decision so they must respect mine. They must be mature but can also make me laugh. Looks don't matter for me. They must be respectful towards me and people around us. I like when a person truly cares about me (like they ask if I ate already or if I'm alright or if I need anything, etc). It really depends on what kind of person they are.

19) What kind of person are you? I am the type of person who will be awkward at first but I'll open up more. If you are sad I'll do anything to cheer you up. I don't care about how much money I spend on others but I will feel like a burden if they spend money on me. I absolutely love children. I don't like being mean. I'm always doing favors for others and do not mind if they don't reciprocate. I am that friend who has your back.

20) Any crushes? Not at the moment


It's sad to even think that this book needs 61 more parts to be completed. Will I continue writing more? Yes.

From now on at the end of every imagine I will put a photo of the day.

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