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Look at my man😭❤️

Requested by @anonymous

(Y/n) has always been a fool when it comes to Jimin. She loves spending time with him even if they live far from each other. They meet every two months or so. When they do meet, Jimin makes sure to put a smile on his face even if he's exhausted. Her happiness means a lot to him and he's hate it if he'd ruin that.

"Babe, look I found a few dogs I can adopt. It'll take a lot of extra time but I promised myself that I would adopt some or at least foster. I wish I can get them all", she said as she video chatted with Jimin.

"How are you gonna take care of them if you're always at school?"

"I can always take a break", she said.

"No. You have worked so hard to get into that school. You are not taking any breaks. Why don't you wait until you're finished with school? You have a year left."

"I can't wait that long", she whined, kicking her feet up as she stared at the ceiling.

"Yes you can. If you can wait for me then you can wait to save dogs or cats or whatever animals you want to save."

"That's the thing though. I can never be patient when it comes to wanting to see you. I miss you. But finally after three months, two weeks and three days, I'm gonna see you", she smiled.

"About that..(y/n) I have to talk to you about something.."

She turned back onto her stomach and made sure she looked at him.

"Our manager announced that the group will be working on a project. It's gonna take some time."

"Oh..okay. Then when will I see you?", she asked.

"This project will take up to a few months..maybe more. Our manager said we can't allow any distractions to come in our way because this project is really important and can open many doors for the group."

"..can we still call each other?", she asked.

"We can but it can't be as long as the calls we have now."

"Well that sucks but at least it's good for you. Your career is expanding. At least we can talk. That's enough for me. I mean, I'd go crazy if I have to go for so long without hearing your voice", she smiled.

Even though he can see a smile on her face, he knew she was hurting. He grabbed something under his bed and placed it in front of him.

"Babe, I did something today and I wanna show you."

He held up the album so she can see. She smiled as she saw a bunch of pictures of them when they went out on dates and spent the holidays together.

"You did all of that yourself?", she asked.

"Yeah. I printed them off of my phone. Phones don't last you know so I'd rather not lose them."

"That's a good idea. I should do that too. I have really good pictures of us. Even the one where you were asleep naked and I put my heart shaped pillow on your butt. That was hilarious", she chuckled.

"I thought you told me you erased that picture."

"Nope. I still have it", she stuck out her tongue.

"I'm gonna get you back."


(Y/n) had just graduated from university. No one attended it since her family basically abandoned her for refusing to go to the school that they chose. She didn't mind it though. She began walking towards her car, saying goodbye to her friends that passed by. When she was close to her car, she could see a familiar figure leaning against it, holding flowers.

"Jimin?", her eyebrows raised.

He smiled as he walked towards her. She ran to him and jumped to his arms. She hugged him tightly and smiled so wide her cheeks hurt.

"Congratulations baby", he chuckled.

"What are you doing here??", she asked, pulling away.

"Well my girlfriend just graduated from university. You don't think I'm gonna miss that right?", he smiled.

"But..what about the project?", she asked.

"We finished two weeks ago. I wanted to surprise you", he said.

"Well this is a surprise. Over a year without seeing each other, this is the best surprise yet", she smiled.

"I still have more. Come on", he opened the passenger side for her and said he'll be the one driving.

She kept telling stories about what happened at the school. She told him about the guy who asked her or after she helped him study for a test. She did let him know that she turned him down and that he was the only one she had eyes for.

He drove up to where his group was staying. They had their own place to stay now so Jimin was the only one living there. He put a blindfold on her so she couldn't see the surprise.

"When? I wanna see now", she whined as she felt his hands on her waist, leading her.

"Hold I'm not yet. I just have to turn on the light", he said.

When he turned on the light, he prepared to take off the blindfold. After he did, she gasped as she saw presents and flowers in the living room. There was food prepared at the table with a candle lit in the middle.

"What's all this for?", she asked.

"This is for you. I missed your birthday and our two year anniversary. I wanted to make it up to you", he said.

"You didn't have to do all this", she said.

"I know", he said.

She kissed his cheek and went over to the presents. She was about to open one but he stopped her.

"There's one I want you to open first", he smiled.

He grabbed her hand and lead her towards the bedroom. She raised an eyebrow as he smiled excitedly. When he opened the door, she was met with a small French bulldog with a pink bow tied onto her collar.

"You got me a puppy?!", she asked, jumping as she went over towards the small creature.

She hugged the puppy and kissed the top of her head.

"I know you wanted to adopt more than one but it takes a lot of work. Since you're done with school, I thought I'd get you a puppy so you can start", he smiled.

She kissed him and squealed excitedly. She didn't even focus on the other presents. Even while they ate the dinner that he made, she kept looking over at the puppy who kept biting on a small bone that he had bought.

"I love you (y/n). I hope you know that", he smiled.

"I do. But I love you more", she giggled as she hugged the puppy again, staring into his eyes.

So I was thinking about writing not only on BTS but I want to focus on other groups. Should I also do girl groups? Which groups should I do? Let me know what you guys want to read that I haven't written yet. I wanna try something different.

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