Part 1

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Your Point of View

I pull my hood up as I walk in amongst the abandoned buildings. When I arrive at the site, I look behind my shoulder to make sure I wasn't followed. Seeing no one, I scan my wrist across the sensor. The door opens immediately and I step inside.

"You're late (y/n)." Chris shakes his head.

"Not my fault you people make these locations so difficult to get to." I shrug. I set down my bag and slump into the chair.

Chris sits down beside me and we wait for the boss and the rest of the crew. One by one they all start filing in. Max, Ty, Alex, they join us at the table.

"So, what do you think it will be today?" I ask everyone.

"I heard the boss on a call with Alfonsi and he did not sound happy." Max says, looking around to see if the boss was listening.

"When is he ever happy?" I sigh.

"Nah, but this time was different. I don't think Alfonsi's kept up with his payments again."

"Right." I nod.

Heavy stomps on wooden floors silence us all. A figure emerges from the doorway. He walks around the table and sits in his chair.

"As you all know, we've been trading with a man named Alfonsi for quite a few years now." His voice is deep and husky. "It's no secret that Fonsi's not one to keep up with payments. This time he's pulled the last straw." He throws a map on the table. "We all knew this was coming, that's why we planned this. As we suspected, he's already starting to leave. We need to catch him before he gets out of the state. Now let's go."

"Yes Jason." We all respond and get up.


"Well that was fun." Chris laughs as we drive away.

"I know hey? The look on his face was priceless." Max reenacts the expression earning chuckles from some passengers in the car.

"Oh you boys are so immature." I roll my eyes.

"Come on, you gotta admit it was pretty fun." Tay nudges my shoulder.

"I guess." It was quite entertaining.

"Could you all stop acting like fools, we're not done yet." Jason growls.

We pull up at the edge of the cliff.

Chris and Tay drag Fonsi's body out of the boot. They wrapped it in a body bag before we left the building.

"And 1, 2, 3." They hurl it over the cliff.

We hear the splash.

"Doesn't that just satisfy you?" I say to Jason.

His jaw is clinched tightly and he's staring straight ahead.

For some reason Jason hates me. I don't take it personally because he hates everyone. But either way I don't understand why he can't just hold a simple conversation.

I sigh and get back in the car.

I just wanted to release Part 1 to because I already published it on the imagines book.

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