Part 2

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I thought I'd release part 2 seeing as part 1 was really just the status quo.






Your Point of View

The Next Day.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.

My phone vibrates.

I groan and answer it.

"What?" I ask not bothering to see the caller ID.

"We need you right away." The gruff voice of Jason speaks then the line goes dead.

Ugh, I fall back onto my pillow. Just one day off would be nice. Grumbling, I pull back the warm covers and get out. I get ready and take my motorcycle to the building.

"Okay, what's so important that you have to wake me up at sparrow for?" I complain walking into the meeting room.

"Alfonsi's men are planning on meeting us tonight. We called East Side, they agreed to help us out. It's going to be a blood bath tonight so we need to have a plan of action. We're going over to East Side now."

Our connection with the East Side gang is iffy. We despise each other yet we will help each other if there are other gangs planning on attacking us. We work together in those circumstances. No one owes anything, the feud is purely due to both gangs wanting to be known as the most notorious gang of Florida.

"Okay, well, lets go." I say.

They all get up and make their way to the cars. We decide to take 3 seperate ones. I go with Chris.

When I first joined the gang, Chris was the only one who wouldn't treat me as just a colleague. We were able to get along, he's become practically my best friend. Don't get confused and start making assumptions that there's feelings involved because there isn't. He's completely in love with his girlfriend Lily. And I'm not really interested in a relationship right now, with anyone. And besides, he's more like an older brother than anything. He's really sweet but can be intimidating when it comes to the gang.

We get on the main road, I decide to ask Chris a question I've been dying to ask for a while now.

"So, Chris, tell me. What's up with Jason? How come he's so serious all the time?"

"He likes to focus on the job." He shrugs.

"Yeah, obviously, but apart from that. Like, physiological wise."

"How should I know?"

"You've been here for longer than I have."

I joined about 4 months ago after my boyfriend at that time decided to be a dick, I had no where to go so I came here. Apparently there was an opening seeing as Jason shot the last one in the head.

"I don't know, I think he's always been like this."

"What? Emotionless? Nothing you think could have caused it?"

"Something probably did but I wouldn't dare to ask about it."

"True." I lean against the window.

We continue to drive in silence.


We park in the back garage and get out.

"Ah, so glad you guys could make it." Tony, the leader of East Side, greets us.

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