Part 16

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I haven't updated this book in a while so I thought I'd release this chapter. If you don't read my imagines book you'll probably be confused as to what's happening, I just really need a break at the moment, that's all :)






Your Point of View.

We arrive back to the apartment and set the bags down. Jason runs a hand through his hair.

"He's going to tell Griff then it's over. Griff is going to murder me. Or worse, you."

My breath gets caught in my throat.

"Wait no, don't worry. It'll be fine. I won't let him hurt you. I promise." He reassures me, holding my hands.

"How can you be so sure of that?" I question, tears starting to form.

He hugs me tightly. "We'll run away. We'll run away from all of this."

"Griff is a smart man, he'll find us." I interject.

"Then we'll have to keep running."

Jason's phone begins to ring. Griff.

"Put it on speaker." I instruct.

He clicks the green icon then the speaker button.

"Hello Griff." Jason says a little shakily.

"Jason, my boy." He knows, he knows. I can hear it in his tone.

Jason clears his throat. "Yes Griff?"

"I assume everything is ready for the mission tonight?"

"Yes it is."

"Good. I expect you to show up. If not, you know the consequences." The line goes dead.

"Shit, shit, shit. He knows." I start to cry.

"No, no, no, princess. Don't cry." He engulfs me in a strong hug. "Okay, here's the plan. We're going to the mission tonight. Before the mission is finished, I want you to make your way to the iHop across your street. After the mission, I'll go get a car and join you. Then we'll leave. Okay?"

"W-what if G-Griff get-ts me b-before that?"

"He won't." He squeezes tighter. I know that means he might.

We just hold each other like it's the last time. For all we know it could be.


We all pull up to East side HQ. We had a slight change of plans last minute. They decided to take seperate cars. Jason and I being in different ones. Chris is with me, guarding me. While Jason is with Max, Ty and Alex.

Chris had been informed of the situation between Jason and I.

"Everything all good (y/n)?" Jason asks through the headset. I can't tell that's an indirect way of asking if I'm okay or if he's just asking if the coast is clear. Either way all is good.

"Yep. You can head out." Say as I look on the monitors on my laptop.

Through the camera's I see them exit their vehicle. On another camera I spot Griff's car pull up, he gets out and joins them, all entering the building.

This is it I guess.

Through the monitors Chris and I watch. Nothing seems suspicious, just a regular trade.

I then hack the camera's, freezing them, so it looks like the car is still here.

"Okay, let's go." Chris starts the engine. He drives off to the iHop.

"So do you know where your first destination is for you and Jason to drive to?" Chris asks.

"There's literally no plan. We're just driving."

He nods. "Ah, shit."


"I think we're being followed." He shifts gears and turns a corner into an empty alleyway, the car follows.

"What do we do?" I ask frantically.

"First, calm down. Second-"

Bullets start hitting the tyres, popping them. Making us unable to drive.

"Shit." Escapes Chris's mouth. In the review mirror we spot 2 men get out of the car. "Stay here." He instructs before leaving.


Through the mirror I watch as Chris approaches them. He hold up his gun, they hold up theirs. A tap on the windscreen makes me jump. Tony. I lock the door but he smashes the window open and lifts the lock. He opens the door.

"Hello, Miss (y/n)." He greets me in a sickly sly tone before covering a cloth over my mouth.


Jason's Point of View.

We just finished the trade and everything seems to have gone well, we walk back to the cars. One of cause missing. She got away. I disguise my smile.

"Jason. You did good today." Griff claps me on the back.

I nod. "Thank you Griff."

"You're probably the most vital member to me. I would hate for you to be caught up in some other commitment." I gulp, he continues. "Your sole focus needs to be on the gang. Not on a girl that doesn't love you."

"I-I don't know what you mean, sir."

He slaps the side of my head.

"Don't play dumb, I know. I don't understand why you are wasting your time on a bitch like her. You know it will be over as soon as she finds someone better. What do you think will come from this situation? Do you think that you'll get married, have kids, grow old? Do you think she'd actually want to do that with you? Do you not see how much she's changing you already? You're so invested in her that you're changing, I know it will kill you when you break up. Is she even as invested in you as you are her? Is she willing to die for you? Wouldn't she have gone to the iHop if she did care? The bitch saved me that trouble. I sent some men over to reason with her why she shouldn't get involved with you. She never turned up. She drove the other way. She left you."

"S-she what?" My heart clenches in my chest.

"She doesn't care. She's not in this for the love, she's in it for the fun. Think about it." He pats my back and walks over to his car. "She's already off, driving without you."

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