Part 6

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Your Point of View.

I walk along the pier bridge. The salty sea air is cold against my skin.

This has alway's been somewhere I go when I'm stressed or angry or just need to think.

The moon shines bright on the ripples in the water.

I stroll along to the end of the bridge and rest my arms on the barricade. I close my eyes and take in my surroundings. It's so peaceful. I open my eyes again and spot something. My eye's adjust to find that it's actually a person sitting on the dock.

"Are you okay over there?" I ask.

No response.

Great, probably a suicidal or crazy person. I decide to climb down the ladder and approach the person. I sit down near them.

"Hey, are you-" Their eyes meet mine. "Jason?"

His eyes widen.

"(y/n)? What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I asked you first."

"Just clearing my head. You?"

"Clearing everything." He looks down.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"I hate everything. This was never something I wanted to do. I didn't want to be a criminal. I don't want this life. I ruin innocent people's lives. I just want to disappear."

My heart stops.

"N-no Jason. You don't have to do this."

"But I do. The world would be much better without me."

"Jason, please don't say these things. Come on, lets get out of here." I entwine our hands. He looks at it. "Jason, please, lets go."

I stand up, keeping our hands tied. He slowly stands up. His eyes fixated on the water.

"Jase." I turn his face. "It's not worth it."

He exhales and nods.

"Come on." I wrap an arm around his waist and walk him along the bridge to my car.


We arrive my apartment and I unlock the door. Jason's still really spaced out. I don't think he should be alone right now. I pull him through to my bedroom and lay him on the bed. I take off his shoes and tuck the covers underneath him. I grab a few blankets from the wardrobe and head to the lounge room.

"Where are you going?" His raspy voice asks.

I spin around.

"The couch."

"No. Just stay here." He says and moves closer to the left side of the bed.

Get in a bed with Jason McCann? Wow.

I reluctantly set the blankets down and get under the covers, staying as close to the edge as possible. I turn off the lamp and shuffle into the sheets. I let out a massive sigh and close my eyes.

"Do you think that people were destined to become what they are?" Jason randomly asks.

I roll onto my side and look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean- forget it." He waves the topic off.

"No, say what you mean." I insist.

"I don't know what I mean." He stares intently at the celling above him. He shakes his head and rolls onto his side.

"Night (y/n)."

"Night." I say unsteadily. What was he trying to talk about? I shrug it off and fall asleep.

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