Part 11

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Jason's Point of View.

I arrive back at the apartment and knock on her door. A few seconds later it opens revealing (y/n) in a large oversize jumper and her hair tied back into a messy bun.

"Oh hey, you're back earlier than I thought you'd be. I assumed maybe 12." She opens the door a few more inches allowing me to step inside.

"Uh, yeah, t-the work didn't take as long as I thought." I glance at the clock, 7:45.

"Right. Well, I made spaghetti. It's in the microwave." She smiles and walks back into the lounge room.

Wondering into the kitchen, I start the microwave. When it finishes, I take it out and join (y/n) in the lounge room.

"So the mission's all ready for tomorrow?" She asks as I take a seat.

"Uh, yeah. It is."

Is she still mad that she's not allowed to come?

"Are you going to eat or just stare at me?" She snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, um." I twirl the spaghetti on my fork.

"You okay? You're all jittery and stuttering?"

"Yeah, just-, yeah."

"Yeah, I don't believe you." She turns off the t.v and looks at me directly.

"No, seriously I'm fine." I grab the remote off her and turn the t.v back on, focusing my attention on the screen. I can see out of the corner of my eye she's still not convinced, but she lets it go.


I get up and head to the kitchen to wash out my bowl. Drying my hands, I turn around to see (y/n) leaning against the wall.

"Okay, so now you going to tell me the truth?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Cut the bullshit. Day by day you get more and more uncomfortable around me. I want to know why."

"I'm not comfortable." I defend.

She walks closer to me. "Look me in the eye and say it."

I take a short glance up and mumble.

"Jase, just tell me the truth."

"I-I uh."

"Please?" She begs, her eyes pouring into mine.

I cave.

"The truth? No. No I'm not comfortable around you. I'm terrified of you. You're able to get me to open up and it terrifies me. You're like no one I've ever met. You're different. You care. You don't have to, but you care. You know at any second I could kill you, yet you're still here. You confuse me. You anger me. You interest me. You've changed my life drastically just by existing and I can't differentiate whether thats good or not. Night and day I find myself unconsciously thinking about you. Just waiting for the next time I see you. Before I met you I knew how my life was going to play out. But now, because of you, its different. I can't understand what it is about you. It's as if I'm drawn to you. I don't want to like it but I do." I rant, moving around the kitchen for emphasis. "You have this affect on me, it's nothing I've ever felt before. It's nothing I can explain."

"It's love." A soft voice from behind me speaks.

"W-what?" I turn around.

"It's love, what you're feeling. You can deny it as much as you want, but it's love. A sense of adoration. A devotion. An interest." She slowly walks over to me.

"I uh." Inches only separate us.

"Say it." She whispers.

"I-I." I gulp. "I love you."


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