Gods creation

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Jungkook was busy today so I thought I would go to church today instead of tomorrow. I was greeted with a very loud "y/n" and a tight hug from someone dressed in a priests uniform. I was so caught off guard that I didn't even notice who was hugging me, it was Mr Kim.
I had been coming to this church since the day I was baptised when I was three, I was baptised by Mr Kim and he was the only father figure I had. I wouldn't say I have full faith in god but the bit of faith that I have is strong, I guess you had to sort of believe in a higher power after surviving everything I've been through.
"Could you stop daydreaming y/n, I'm trying to ask you something" Mr Kim said obviously annoyed that I zone out a lot
"Sorry Mr Kim, what were you asking me?" I shyly replied
"I told you to call me Yugyeom and I was asking why you are here on a Saturday"
"Well Mr K... I mean Yugyeom, Kookie is busy today so we decided to go clubbing tomorrow instead of today"
"I don't think the Lord would be okay with you clubbing all the time but he also doesn't like gays so I guess he isn't always right" he laughed at himself while I rolled my eyes
"Can you get my bible from my office, I left it in there and I need it but I gotta get the wine and bread ready" he asked after he stopped laughing.
I didn't reply and just went straight to his office, I obviously didn't knock because I knew no one would be in there since Yugyeom was doing god knows what. As I opened the door I was welcomed by a shirtless guy who was something that god definitely spent a lot of time on. "Are you lost?" the master piece asked me
"No, Mr Kim asked me to get his book so I'm getting his book. Are you lost because you don't look like Mr Kim?" I replied trying to keep my eyes off his abs
"No I'm not lost, I'm Park Jimin"
The beauty has a name but sadly he has to be the one person I can't touch.
I'm really sorry if this sucks, it's my first time writing a fanfic.

If you are reading the story and you actually like it, please don't forget to vote so I know that I should keep writing it xxxx

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