The other letter

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Jimin POV
I can't believe it's been three weeks since I last saw her face or heard her laugh. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so quickly, I don't even know why I was jealous. I mean I'm not her boyfriend and she doesn't have feelings for me so she's obviously got every right to see someone else. I don't know where she is but I really want to see her and make sure she's safe. I know Kook went out to find her but I wish it was me that would be there for her. I decided to go out for a quick walk but while I was walking I felt like someone was following me so I ran home. When I opened the front door a letter fell in front of me, it was addressed to me. I opened it, making sure to be careful incase there was something off with the letter. The first thing I saw when I opened the envelope was MP in large bold writing. I was so worried that it was going to say "I have Y/n, you have 24 hours to save her" so I quickly opened it and read through it. There was two pieces one said "Work for me or I'll kill Y/n and make you watch" and the other said "I know you aren't stupid enough to work for me that easily so leave the other note behind and meet up with me. Let me prove to you that Y/n isn't what she seems, I can help you with all the memories you lost." I didn't know what I should do but this might be the only chance I have to get back what I lost. If I can remember my old times with Y/n then I might be able to understand her better and figure out a way to make her love me again. I turned the letter over and found and address and time, I only had an hour to be there so I quickly got ready to leave. Unsure on what would happen tonight, I left the second letter under my bed incase MP was as bad as everyone said.
I arrived at the location and looked around in confusion. I was at one of the most popular hotels in Korea, it wouldn't make sense for MP to try to keep a low profile in a place like this. I went to the front desk unsure about where I'm actually supposed to be meeting MP so I said "I'm Park Jimin and I'm supposed to be meeting someone here but I'm not sure where. Has there been anything left down here for me to find them?" The person looked at me for a second and then at a photo in her hand. After a few glances between me and the photo, she placed it down and I realised the photo was of me. She handed me a card for a room and said "He'll be waiting in there for you, goodluck." As I was walking to the elevator I overheard the lady on the phone saying "He's on his way up. If you need to get rid of him, make sure you keep it down or else people will suspect something bad is going on." As I found my way to the room, I noticed men dressed in black suits outside of the door. "Ummm, excuse me" I said hoping they would let me in but instead they pushed me against the wall. "Listen here pretty boy, no one is allowed behind that door without a card so fuck off before you end up with a bullet between your eyes" one of the men yelled at me. After he finished I lifted up my card and said "Listen here aggressive dickhead, I've been told to meet MP at 5 and it's now 5:10 so if YOU don't want to end up with a bullet between your eyes I would move out of my way before MP and I get angry." He looked at me for a second, then at the another man and then they moved out of my way without saying a word. As soon I walked in I was greeted with a hug and the person saying "Parky, it's been a long time since we've been in the same room together." As the person let go of me I was confused, the man looked so familiar but I've never met any of MP men before. "Jimin sit down and we will start talking about our business" the man said. I replied by saying "okay" and sat down next to him. He turned to me and said "I'm MP, it's lovely to be able to see you again and I hope that you agree to what I have to say." After we spent hours talking about my past and Y/n, he asked me if I would help him capture Y/n and if I helped he promised not to kill her. I knew that promise had no truth behind it so I said no. Only a few seconds after I said no, I heard all his men move closer to me and point their guns towards me. "MP I have no intentions of getting Y/n but I really appreciate you helping me understand what happened in the past. I can not trust your promise since everything you said about Y/n in my past is a lie. I know that she loved me and she wasn't just using me to get closer to you so she could kill you." I stated. "Well then I'm sorry Jimin but it seems like Y/n won't be the only person to die by my hands. I'm sure she'll try to come find you because you were right she did love you and she always will and now that I have you, I can destroy her only source of happiness. Don't worry though I'll make sure you guys get to say goodbye to each other" MP replied before walking to the door. As MP was about to leave, he turned around to his men and said "Let's take him on a trip." The next thing I saw was total darkness and I knew that there wasn't going to be any easy way to save Y/n and my friends from losing their lives.
I should hopefully be posting more often so please keep reading and let me know if you enjoy the story xxx

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