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Before I could say anything, Jimin jumped in front of me and told me to stay back. "Jimin it's okay, it's just Kookie" I whispered into his ear and then I heard him sigh in relief. "Kookie what are you doing with a gun?" I asked him. "I heard you screaming so I was worried he was here to take you or hurt you or something that I don't even want to imagine". "Hey Kookie, everything is okay and nobody is going to get hurt as long as I'm around" I tried to calm him down but I got distracted by Jimin staring at me. "Are you apart of our gang?" Jimin asked me. "What do you mean by our? Last time I check you were never apart of it" I replied. "I'll take that as a yes and I've been in hiding for a while" Jimin replied. "Who do you have to hide from? And if it's someone dangerous I don't want you around my boys" I said not happy that he could be putting the boys in danger. "You aren't the leader of the group and they won't get hurt". "Promise me" I said as I put my pinky out. "Are you serious?" he said a bit confused how a pinky promise would prove anything. "As serious as can be" and with that he pinky promised, let's just hope he can keep his promise this time.
Kookie just stared at us for a bit before saying "As entertaining as that was, I'm going back to training." After Kookie left I was about to leave the room to go to the toilet but was stopped when Jimin gently grabbed my arm. "Stay, you give really good cuddles" he said quietly. "Jimin I need to go to the toilet and then I'll come back. Okay?" I replied and he nodded his head. I'm not coming back to cuddle him, I don't wanna get attached. After I went to the toilet I went into the kitchen to make some breakfast but Jimin was standing in the hallway blocking my way to the kitchen. "I thought you were going to come back?" He asked, clearly tired. "Oh, yeah I forgot. I guess I'll come now" I replied. Great just great, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid, I thought while I was laying in bed with Jimin who had his arms wrapped around me.
I woke up a few hours in the same bed but Jimin wasn't cuddling me, let alone even in the same room as me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit sad that he didn't stay but it's better that he didn't. I got up to make breakfast and if I accidentally bumped into Jimin than that would be a bonus. I had been awake for a few hours and there was no sign of Jimin, actually no sign of any of the boys. I decided to just go home assuming that they were all went out without inviting me because I was asleep.
I decided to clean the house before going to home. I spent a few hours cleaning the boys mess and then I left a note on the fridge saying "I've gone home, be safe x". Once I got home I was too tired to cook after cleaning the boys house so I decided just to order a pizza from the local pizza shop. I had ordered the pizza a few hours ago and it still wasn't here so I decided to ring the shop. When no one answered my call I decided to go to the pizza shop myself hoping my pizza wouldn't take too long.
As I went to open the door to the pizza shop I noticed there was red stuff on the door. It took me a second to connect the dots. The red stuff was definitely blood. I was confused as to why someone would kill people in the light of day. I walked in slowly making sure not to make too much noise incase someone else was here. I noticed dead bodies all over the ground, some looked like they were just innocent customers but others had red books on their necks which indicates they were apart of the Reds.
I went into the kitchen with my gun in my hand, then noticed that there was a trail of blood so I followed it making sure to keep my eye out for anyone still alive. As I made to the back of the kitchen I noticed that there was something written in blood as I got closer I figured out what it said. "MP"

If you are reading the story and you actually like it please don't forget to vote so I know that I should keep writing it xxxx

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