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I looked over and saw that Jimin was tied up to a chair but it was clear the rope was old and easy to cut off. I took out my knife that was on my upper right thigh and turned around to the boys. "If you guys distract him for long enough then I can cut the ropes holding Jimin and we can get him out of here" I told them. "How on earth are we going to distract him without dying?" Yoongi asked, trying his best not to yell at me. "It's simple, the gun I gave you in the car doesn't have normal bullets. Instead of killing him, it will create a bunch of smoke. So if we make him move away from Jimin and put a wall of smoke around him, he won't be able to see well enough to fire his gun" I explained. I made sure it was only MP in the room before we put the action to plan. Once the coast was clear the boys started firing their guns, creating lots of smoke and noise. I quickly ran to where Jimin was, I was almost done cutting the rope around his legs until I felt something hit the back of my head. Not hard enough to do any damage but hard enough to stop me from doing what I was doing to figure out what happened. The smoke around MP was slowly disappearing and he was facing us, I looked to my side and saw that he threw his shoe at me. Once the smoke and firing had gone he walked over to me. "How long will it take you to learn that you won't win?" He yelled at me. He pulled me by my hair so I wasn't next to Jimin anymore. I slapped him across the face as hard as I could and knees him in the stomach. "I will never admit defeat until all my loved ones are safe" I replied. I could see the anger boiling up inside him so I punched him in the face, hoping he would be distracted by me and not the boys trying to get Jimin out of the rope. He noticed that I was looking over at Jimin and he looked as well. "If you even dare to untie him, I will not only slit your throats but I will make it as painful as possible" he threatened the boys. They slowly stepped away while looking at Jimin with apologetic eyes. MP turned back to me and his anger had intensified more than I was hoping.

As he went to punch me in the face, I caught his hand and started twisting it. I could tell he was in pain but I couldn't tell he had a gun in his other hand until he shot me in the leg. I fell down on the ground and had MP standing above me. "Y/n, just give up now. Let me take the pain away in your leg, it's as easy as a quick bullet to the head" I heard him say and then laugh. "You know I really thought you would put up more of a fight to save a loved one but I guess you are weaker than everyone thinks" MP after he finished laughing. He walked over to where Jimin was and put the gun to his head, I knew he only had one bullet left since he used most of them trying to shoot the boys. If I get him to use the bullet without hurting Jimin or anything of the Bangtan boys, he won't be able to shoot at us so it will be a lot easier to take him down. I slowly got up and walked over to MP. He watched me with an amused face, knowing that I was in a lot of pain. Once I made it to him, I pulled out my gun and put it to MP's head. "Shoot him and I will shoot you" I said trying my best to sound strong. He laughed and turned to me, taking his attention off Jimin. I quickly signalled to the boys to untie Jimin while I had MP's attention. He slapped me across the face, making me lose balance and land on my knees. "You are so pathetic" he said as he ripped my gun out of my hand and put it to my head. "Aren't you supposed to be the amazing Mafia princess?" MP asked sarcastically. "Yeah but this isn't a fairytale, not everyone gets a happy ending" I replied and I soon heard ringing in my ears. I couldn't breathe and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. As I looked down I noticed I had been shot again but this time in the chest. The last thing I saw before I blackout was Jimin running to me while crying.

Jimin POV
"Please help us, my girlfriend got shot and we need help" I told the head of the Mafia hospital. "We don't have any rooms empty, only important people can be treated at this time" he replied back but as he was walking away he noticed Y/n's tattoo. "I NEED AS MANY DOCTORS AS POSSIBLE TO HELP ME" he yelled quickly. While he was rushing her to a room, I heard Y/n say "I don't remember you asking me out."

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