I'm scared

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How could y/n kill Jackson and just walk away? She may have been trained by me but the one thing I could never change was her caring heart. If she wants to play dirty then I will as well, it will be easy to convince Jimin to kill her or at least help me find her.
It's been three weeks since I've seen Bangtan, I miss them a lot but I have more important things at the moment. Jaebum and I are trying to find MP's main location, but it seems to be impossible. Jaebum filled me in with everything that had happened since we last saw each other. Apparently MP took him and trained him so he could trick me into helping MP, but Jaebum has never liked blood so it obviously didn't go well. I really miss the boys but I know they will be put into more danger than they need if they are around me and I don't think I can see them go, especially Jimin. I don't know why I didn't just run straight into his arms at the meadow but I'm glad I didn't. I need to be able to keep us safe, I know the guy is usually supposed to do that but I'm clearly trained better and I'm more willing to kill MP than he would be.
I decided to just lay down and try to think about anything but Jimin. Turns out that isn't possible for a person like me, I ended up thinking about his adorable cheeks for a bit until I fell asleep while dreaming about him. I woke up feeling uneasy, as if the world was on the edge of shattering and falling apart. As I opened my eyes I noticed a figure standing in the corner of my room, they seemed familiar by the shape of their body but I was too tired to open my eyes enough to decipher who the person actually was. As I rolled over so I could ignore the person they called my name. "Y/n. It's such a worry that the Mafia princess can't even seem to look at someone because they're too lazy" they said sarcastically and I instantly knew who it was. "Kookie if you're here to tell me off for being lazy, could you please wait until I've had enough sleep?" I replied. "I'm here to tell you that you can't ignore us, we're your family as well. We've been there for you the whole journey and you can't just let that go because you can't accept your feelings for Jimin" he said being serious. "Why would I need to accept my feelings for Jimin when there are none? Him and I can never have a life together, he doesn't want to be with someone like me" I said as I turned towards Kookie. "What do you mean someone like you?" He asked me, looking concerned. "Jimin needs someone who he knows will always be by his side, I can't be that someone. I'm the Mafia princess like you said, although very few try to lay a finger on me-" I stopped for a second to calm myself down, I didn't like thinking about the awful things people wanted to do to me. "You and I both know that the people who do dare to do such thing are the ones who have the strength and men to destroy me. I don't want Jimin waking up one day, expecting me to be laying next to him when I'm actually being tortured or something worse. He deserves to know where his love is and it isn't with me" I replied, unaware that I was crying. "Y/n, you and I both know you have feelings for him so what is actually holding you back?" He asked while wiping my tears away. "He can't leave me again if I push him away" I said as I started to cry more. "You guys make everything so complicated, if you both like each other why don't you just date already?" Said Jaebum who was sticking his head into my room. I death stared him and turned to Kookie. "He's right you know, you and Jimin just need to tell each other how you actually feel." Kookie's advice is good but I don't know how I'm supposed to tell Jimin I still love him but I can't be with him because I'm too scared. As I was lost in my thoughts like always, I heard a phone going off and when Kookie answered it I knew something bad was happening. "Is everything okay?" I asked and without him even saying a word I knew nothing was okay. "MP left a note for Jimin, he either has to work for him or kill you" he replied, too scared to look into my eyes knowing I would break. "But working for him would mean his job is to kill me" I said confused. That's when I realised that Jimin didn't remember anything so he mustn't be aware of that. "He left already didn't he?" I asked with a shaky voice, afraid to know that answer. "Yes" was all he said.

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