Hands up

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"HANDS UP" I can hear someone yell in my lounge room. I quickly make my way there and stop immediately when I realise it's Jimin trying to put clothes on Rose. I start laughing at the sight which makes them both stare at me with grumpy faces. "She wont get dressed" Jimin pouts. "Dad won't let me wear my pretty dress" Rose pouts back. "Jimin let her wear the prettiest dress she has." Jimin walks out to get her dress while I go back to the kitchen.
It's been 5 years since we arrested Mr Park and we visit him once a year with Rose. It was his only request and we couldn't risk him trying to escape.
"Hi Rosie, your dress looks very pretty" Mr park said as we sat down. "Thank you grandpa. Daddy wouldn't let me wear it so mum had to tell him off" she replied. Mr Park smiled at Jimin and I, he always looked so happy when we came to visit. It amazes me sometimes how much he's changed.
"BYE GRANDPA" I heard Rose yell. "Bye Mr Park" Jimin and I said at the same time. As we got into the car the first thing Rose said was "Are we going to get pancakes because I'm not coming if there aren't any pancakes." "No pancakes but the boys are there" Jimin replied and Rose shouted "YAYYYYY." Seeing my daughter and husband act this way made my heart melt. I never imagined my life to turn out like this but I'm glad with how everything turned out.

This is the end, I know it's not much but I wanted a simple and cheesy ending. Hope you enjoyed the story xxx

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