Never forget

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I called Kookie straight after I read what was on the wall. As I was waiting for him to answer I heard a phone ringing. I was really hoping it wasn't Kookie's because he might've just got himself into something more dangerous than he's used to.
As I was following the sound of the ringing phone I noticed there was people talking so I decided to listen to their conversation. "We need to clean this all up before the police come and before y/n gets here" they had a familiar voice so I wasn't that surprised when I got out of my hiding spot and went up to them. It was the Bangtan boys and Jimin. I was really confused as to why Jimin was here, actually I'm really confused as to why any of them are here.
"Y/n" Jin said trying to stop me from getting lost in my thoughts. "Yes Jin?" I replied. "Why on Earth are you here?" Jin asked obviously concerned that I had seen the mess that was created because of MP. The one guy who knew how to break me and make me beg for my life. The one guy who was supposed to make me great but made me vulnerable instead.
"I'm here because I ordered a pizza about an hour ago and it never arrived. Now its your turn to explain"
"Well we got call from the owner saying that he was in danger and that we had to come straight away but by the time we got here MP had already killed everyone. We didn't want to tell you because we know how difficult it is for you since he's out to hurt you" Namjoon replied. "That explains why you boys are here apart from Jimin. Why are you with the boys?" I asked Jimin genuinely confused about why he was here. "Because Y/n, he's a part of our gang and I know why you don't like him but you have to put that behind you because things are different now" Yoongi answered for Jimin. Jimin looked really lost almost like he didn't know what were talking about. "What do you mean it's different now?" I asked Yoongi. I was a little bit scared to find out what had happened throughout the years to Jimin. "He doesn't remember anything about back then" Kookie said with a sad expression. "He doesn't remember me at all?" I said upset that he could forget so easily.
"Mochi stop ticking me, how am I supposed to disable a bomb while you are doing that?" I asked Jimin with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "Well you are supposed to be the best person here so I'm sure you could do it easily" he replied with the same about of sarcasm as me. I quickly disabled the bomb and then turned around to Jimin and hugged him as tight as I could. "I don't want you to go, I understand your dad is important but why can't he just leave you here with us?" I asked as my eyes started to tear up. "He said if he doesn't take me with him then he won't consider me as his own anymore and I don't want to loose my only family" Jimin replied knowing it would probably make me angry. "But we're your family as well and we love him more than he does, he is only using us so he can sell us off to high ranking Mafia groups that need children. If you go with him then I won't ever talk to you again, you don't need two families if you're going to treat them badly" I said as I got out of his embrace and walked away from him. As I was walking away I heard him yell "I LOVE YOU Y/N, NEVER FORGET THAT". I yelled back "I WONT" and by the next morning he was gone.
"Is she the girl from my nightmares?" Jimin asked Kookie but I decided to answer for him. "I BETTER FREAKING NOT BE BECAUSE I AM A BEAUTIFUL PERSON AND YOU HAVE NO REASON TO HAVE NIGHTMARES ABOUT ME ESPECIALLY BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME." I instantly shut my mouth after saying that as I was full of so much regret. Jimin looked like he had just seen his life flash before his eyes, "I love you?" he asked me. "Well you loved me" I replied trying not to show that this was beginning to become too much for me to handle. Jimin kept looking at Kookie and I with so much sadness, "so you are both the ones in my nightmares?" He asked Kookie and this time I let him answer for himself. "Yes we are the ones in your nightmares and no Y/n it's not because he stopped loving us. He lost all his memories from before he left the training base and sometimes he gets dreams about those memories but they are all the painful things that happened. Like the day he left and you guys got into that argument or when he forgot to wake up in time and spent a whole week locked in his room with any food" Kookie replied which helped me understand a little bit about the situation but I still want to know what actually happened to Jimin when he left us. I was about to ask Jimin about what happened but he started talking before I had the chance. "So Y/n is the girl in my nightmares that always saves and Jungkook is the guy that always shoots the bad guys that try to hurt me?" Kookie and I both nodded to this even though I wasn't completely sure if it was right or not. "One last thing, if I used to love Y/n does that mean she used to love me as well?" Jimin asked. "Love is a very strong word" I said keeping my guards up because I didn't want him to break my heart again. "Yes, she loved you" all the boys said right after I tried to deny it. Jimin looked at me shocked and I looked at him and realised he still had his adorable chubby cheeks. "Were we in a relationship?" Jimin asked. "No it was forbidden for anyone to be in relationships" Kookie replied. Jimin nodded but he looked upset even though I didn't understand why. "Jimin, how could you forget us so easily?" I asked.
"I don't want to leave, I want to keep training here" Jimin told his father. "You will be coming with me and you have no say in it" his father replied. Jimin knew he wouldn't be allowed to stay but it was worth a try just so he could see the boys faces when they wake up and he's still in their dorm or when Y/n comes into get breakfast and she sees I'm still here. I hope y/n doesn't forget about me and find someone else. I know that we will meet again and I really hope it's soon, I thought as my father and I got on the private jet.
"Do you think ill be able to come back here again?" I asked father curious if he would let me. "Of course not and if you wont forget about that place, I'll make you forget about it. I did the same with when your mother died and I will do it again if I have to" his father replied in an angry tone. "But father that almost killed me, how could you put your own child at risk?" Jimin asked shocked at his fathers words. "I never asked for you to be mine" he simply replied.
"It was because of you" Jimin answered. How could it be because of me? I never did anything but love and care for him. He has no right to blame me after all the pain I went through when he left. All of this had definitely become too much for me so I ran out the front door and as far as I could. I don't know why I ran out but I had to get out before anyone saw me crying. Ever since that day Jimin left I refused to let anyone see how broken I truly am.

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