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I was sitting in Jimin's room, reading the note over and over again hoping to find something to help us find him but I couldn't find anything. I can't stop thinking about all of my memories of him and how many more memories I want to make with him.
"KOOK JUST BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE A BUNNY DOESNT MEAN YOU GET TO ACT LIKE ONE" Jin yelled. "WELL JIMIN IS THE SAME SIZE AS A CHILD AND HE GETS TO ACT LIKE A CHILD." Everyone in the room tried not to laugh but once Jimin spoke we couldn't keep it in any longer. "I'm not the same size as a kid and Namjoon collects those toy things so he's more of a kid than me" Jimin whined which made him sound exactly like a kid who wasn't getting their way.
Will we ever get to have moments like that again? I don't think I'm ready to let go of him, I've had to do it once before and I don't think I'll be able to do it again without passing my breaking point. I know he has to be somewhere alive, MP wouldn't kill him without us watching now because it wouldn't hurt as much. I just don't know how to find him and if I don't find him in time then MP will find me first and get our blood on his hands. As I kept thinking about MP and how Jimin is coping, I started to get more annoyed at myself for letting Jimin be taken so easily. My anger started to get the worst of me as I started throwing things around Jimin's room. I spent 10 minutes throwing things around and trashing his room until I kicked his mattress off his bed. I looked around realising that when he gets back and sees this mess, he will be worried about me so I decided to cleaning up his room. As I was putting his mattress back on the bed, I noticed a piece of paper sticking out of his bed. I grabbed the paper and realised it was an envelope, I looked at for a few seconds trying to figure out if I should read the letter inside or not but once I saw MP on the envelope I opened it. As I was reading it I realised I had finally found out how to save Jimin. I was about to go to the boys and tell them what I found until I heard them yelling. "Y/N, COME DOWN STAIRS NOW. WE ARE IN THE KITCHEN" I heard Jin yelling. I ran downstairs, full of excitement because we would finally be able to save Jimin. As soon as I entered the kitchen I saw all the boys with glum faces so I said "It's okay guys, I found out where Jimin went. We can go and get him away from those people." The boys didn't turn to face me but instead they kept looking at something that was on the kitchen bench so I went over to see what they were looking at. It was a gun that I was familiar with. "We aren't sure if it was used to shoot Jimin or if it's just a warning that he will do something but it's been fired recently." Namjoon told me while looking at me to see my reaction. "It has a serial number on it so we are trying to track who bought the gun" Hoseok added.
"Hey Y/n, I got a new gun" Jai told me while pulling out a gun. Jai and I were always really close but what do you expect for people who had been friends since we were 5. Him and I had both been taken on the same day so him and I were really close until the day he died. As I was looking at the gun I noticed some strange numbers on it. "Jai, why are these numbers on here?" I asked him. "It's the day you had your first training session, it's a very important day to you so I wanted it to always be remembered" he answered with a smile.
"It's not a serial number, it's a date."
Everyone looked at me with confusion. "Jai got it put on all his guns because it's the day I had my first training session. I was the first female to make one of the most dangerous people beg on their knees for their life and I was the first person at my level to do it without any weapons, I only had my body and words. Jai would get asked about why he had it on all his guns and once people found out the word spread fast. A lot of people wanted to fight me to see if it was all a haux. Hyuna and Hyo-jong quickly went to action and turned it into a gambling thing. They changed my training to 9 hours a day so I would be more prepared. One day someone pushed me down and I hit my head wrong on the way down, nobody knew what to do except them. They decided to get rid of Jai and make me stay with MP 24/7. The last thing I saw before passing out was them angrily giving money to all the people that bet on the other person." I said with tears running down my face. "Why would they give this to us?" Yoongi asked me. "They want to remind me how much it hurts to lose someone you love, Jai was the only person I ever talked about my family with. I always wanted to tell you guys but I knew it was a sore spot for you so I didn't want to bring up something I knew would upset you. Jai knew almost everything about me, if MP has his gun then he must've talked to him before he died and he would know things about me that nobody else knows" I said with worry. "We have to leave now, we can't let MP think we're scared. The longer we take the longer Jimin is in danger" Kookie said while rubbing my back.
We left the house in a hurry and went to the address on the letter. We were all surprised when we figured out it was a popular hotel but that didn't stop us from rushing inside. We went straight to front desk and asked for MP. It was risky asking like this but it was the only way to know if Jimin was still here or not. The person at the front desk looked at all of us and then looked through a book in front of her. "It says they're in this room, here's the key. There's a lot of security in this hotel so don't plan on doing anything suspicious" the lady said before turning to another person waiting for help. We all ran to the elevators and quickly went up to the right floor. Once we reached that floor we read what room MP was in and we ran as fast as we could to it. There was no one outside the door and no sounds from inside the room so worry started to overcome us as we opened the door. There was no one in the room, only a small piece of paper that said "the basement." We all gathered that meant MP had taken Jimin down to the basement so we quickly went back to the elevators and tried going to the basement but there wasn't a button for it. We decided to ask the front desk if there was a basement in this hotel. We asked the same lady as before about the basement and she said only staff are allowed down there. The boys all looked around as their faces dropped, they knew we couldn't just pull out our guns and demand they let us down there so I asked the lady how much it would cost to get us down there. After we settled on a price, she gave me keys used to open staff doors and she told me which one to use and where to go. We quickly but quietly went down the stairs to the basement, hoping not to draw any attention to ourselves just yet. As we got closer to the bottom of the stairs, a yell could be heard and it sounded just like Jimin's. Without thinking I ran down the stairs as fast as I could but the yelling stopped and I could hear people talking. "Parky, it's a real shame you wouldn't just kill her. I killed your mother so why not kill her?" I heard MP say. "My mother? How did you know my mother?" Jimin asked. "I'm your father of course. I'm the reason Y/n's family is dead, I'm the reason all your friends can't sleep at night and I'm the reason the love of your life will end up dying tonight" MP said. Within a few seconds I heard Jimin crying.

Thank you guys for reading this story, I really appreciate it xxxxxx

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