Who is he?

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Jimin's POV
The boys and I decided to go looking for y/n, I don't know where she is and what's happening to her but I have a bad feeling about it. We decided to ring up some friends who would be able to help just incase we wouldn't be able to find her by ourselves.
It's been a few hours since she left and no one has been able to find her. Everyone is starting to worry about her, especially me. I don't know what I'd do if she got killed before I had the chance to tell her that I loved her and I want to try again with her.
I remember a dream I had about Y/n in a meadow where she was screaming so I told Kook that she must've told me about something bad that had happened there before, hoping it would help us in finding her. He said that y/n used to visit a meadow near by when she first started her training so we quickly went there.
It took 20 minutes to get there but as soon as we got there we saw her standing in the middle of the meadow. She looked scared but excited at the same time. I was confused because she was talking to someone but I couldn't hear what she was saying, I wasn't sure if he was there to help her or hurt her. She didn't look upset anymore so maybe she already forgot about what had just happened since she was so focused on the boy standing in front of her. Jealousy got the best of me as I started to walk away until I heard a gunshot go off. I turned around so fast that I hurt my neck and I saw y/n sitting there confused while a different boy was standing in front of her. The boy looked younger than us but he looked familiar. He definitely wasn't with us at training because he doesn't look like he's able to even hold the gun properly. I'm surprised he even shot the other guy and I'm sure he was as well because he looked at the body with wide eyes. After a few seconds of Y/n and the boy looking at each other with confusion they hugged. It seems like they are really close, maybe he's the reason why she said she loved me and didn't anymore. I saw her turn around and see me standing there, she turned to the boy and said something quickly and walked to where I was standing.
I can't believe he's standing in front of me, it's been so long since I've seen him. He's a lot bigger now than when we were kids, I'm not sure if we should hug or not since he might not even consider us anything anymore. He was looking at the body confused and when he looked up at me he had tears in his eyes so I hugged him. I felt like someone was watching us so I got out of the hug and looked around until I saw Jimin. He was standing there watching us with a confused face, he must have come looking for me. I turned to Jaebum and quickly told him I was going to go talk to Jimin for a little bit. As I was walking over to Jimin I noticed he looked annoyed, maybe he's mad that I ran out. As I went to say something, Jimin quickly pulled me into a hug and said "I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sure he can protect you better than I can." He let go of me and started walking away but I couldn't let him leave me thinking Jaebum was the one who stole my heart. "JIMIN" he turned around with a confused face. "You're right he can protect me but my feelings for him aren't the same as I have for you" and with that I was the one to walk away.

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