Gross tattoo

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yelled at Kookie and I.
I simply replied "He's back"
They all understood who 'he' was apart from Jimin who was left confused.
"Jimin can you take her to your room" Kookie said
"Why must she go to my room, we hardly even know each other"
"Exactly, she won't want to stay awake and talk about pointless stuff like she would with us, she'll just sleep the whole night and feel better in the morning"
Jimin Pov
I jumped straight on to my bed, I almost forgot that Y/n was here until I felt her hand rubbing my back. It looked like she was still asleep until she asked "Are you okay or do you often jump on to beds?"
I shyly replied " I just missed my bed after a long day"
She quietly laughed to herself but just loud enough for me to hear her cute laugh which sounded familiar but I couldn't figure out why.
"You must be really devoted"
"What?" I asked her confused
"About god, you're still in your priest uniform"
"Oh, I hurt my wrist and the boys are asleep so I can't get them to undo the buttons"
"I'm awake and I know how to unbutton a top"
I was so shocked by what she said that I almost chocked on air, I think she noticed because she quickly said "I didn't mean for that to sound so perverted, I'm sorry. It's just you're a friend of Kookie so I'm assuming you must be a nice person and nice people deserve to be treated nicely. Even though that doesn't always happen"
She whispered the last part probably hoping I wouldn't hear but I did.
"Actually it would be nice if you did" I said hoping not to make the atmosphere anymore awkward. As she was unbuttoning my priest shirt I noticed her staring at my wrist.
"How did you hurt your wrist?" She asked quietly
"I hurt it while working out"
"Kookie did that once"
I gave her the side eye but jumped when I heard her laugh
"You're tattoo is ugly" she said
"It's a family tradition to get it"
At least now I know for sure he is bad news.
As I was stuck in my thoughts i didn't even notice that a tear had left my eye until Jimin hugged me
"It's okay y/n"
"How do you know my name?"
"Kookie told me before and you told me at the church the other day"
"He's my kookie not yours"
After I said that I heard the most angelic laugh I've ever heard.
"Where are you supposed to sleep since I'm sleeping in your room?" I asked trying my best not to slur my words. "In here obviously" he replied with a very sassy eye roll, "Hell no you aren't, ever heard of stranger danger?" "Y/n I'm not a stranger, I'm best friends with your best friends and we met the other day" "Me seeing you shirtless doesn't mean I know you well enough to sleep in a bed with you" "I never said I was sleeping the same bed as you, I just said I was sleeping in the same room. I have a blowup mattress I can use" he replied obviously feeling like he won the mini argument. "Fine but if I wake up to you anywhere near me you won't like it" I said with a serious face.

I woke up to the sound of someone's alarm and immediately tried to get up and turn it off. Notice the word tried, I couldn't get up off the ground and that was when I noticed I wasn't on the ground but actually in the same bed as Jimin who was currently cuddling me so tight I couldn't move. After what felt like forever I gave up on trying to get him off me and just stayed there but after thinking for a bit I realised that I went to sleep in his actual bed not on this mattress. Once I started thinking about all the bad stuff he might have done to me I tried to get him off me while yelling "HELP" at the top of my lungs. Jimin woke up after a few seconds of me yelling in his ear and as I was about to ask him why I was in bed with him we heard someone coming to our room and when we looked at the door we saw someone holding a gun and I knew who he was straight away.

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