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I woke up with a massive pain in my head and chest which made me slowly look down, I realised I was wearing a hospital gown and I was in a hospital room. There was no one else in the room with me and it sounded really quiet in the room. It felt like something from a horror movie. As I was thinking about what type of horror movie I would be in, someone rushed into the room and pulled me to a really tight hug. This made the pain in my chest so unbearable that I groaned in pain, causing the person to let go and move back while repeatedly saying sorry. As the person lifted their head up, another 6 boys ran into the room yelling my name. I realised the boy standing in front of me was Jimin but he looked a lot skinnier than I remembered. "Hey guys, what did I miss?" I asked making sure to keep an eye on Jimin. "Mr Park has been in hiding since the incident so we need to start planning once you are fully healed" Jungkook answered. I nodded and then looked at Jimin while sighing. "Can you guys get me something to eat?" I asked they boys. As they were all walking out I told Jimin to stay with me, I was hoping he would tell me what's wrong. I moved over on the hospital bed so there would be enough room for him to lay next to me. "What's wrong?" I asked while looking at him but he wasn't looking back at me. "If I didn't go to meet him then you wouldn't have got shot and we wouldn't be laying in a hospital bed together" he replied. "At least we are together and safe. I know it wasn't your fault that I ended up here and you shouldn't blame yourself" I said to him while looking into his sad eyes. He didn't reply but instead he hugged me, making sure to be more gentle than last time. "Also since when was I your girlfriend?" I asked him sarcastically. "Since now?" He replied with a worried smile. I burst out in laughter which made my chest hurt but I couldn't help it. "You probably don't remember this but that is how you asked me out the first time" I told him. He looked at me with wide eyes as a blush started to form on his cheeks.

Jimin and I were sitting together and eating lunch when Kookie came over to join us. We had only been eating for a little bit when a girl came and sat next to Jimin. "Hey Jimin, how are you?" The girl said with a big smile on her face. "I'm good" he replied while looking at me and smiling. The girl looked at me and asked me what my name was. "I'm Y/n" I replied. "Nice name" she said sarcastically to herself but loud enough for Jimin and I to hear. She turned her head back to me and started talking to me. "Aren't you dating Jungkook? That means we could go on double dates together" she said excitedly. "Double dates? Who's your partner?" I asked confused. "Jimin" she answered as she clung onto his arm. Jimin quickly got her off his arm and turned to me and grabbed my hand. "Y/n is dating me not Jungkook so please stop flirting with me in front of my girlfriend?" He replied and he was obviously annoyed so the girl took her lunch and left. "Since when was I your girlfriend?" I asked him. "Since now?" He said while looking at the ground. "You sound like a little kid but okay" I replied as I got up and grabbed my rubbish. As I was walking away from him I heard him yelling. "Y/N JUST AGREED TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND" Jimin yelled and now everyone was looking at me as I ran out of the room.

Jimin and I talked for a bit longer until the boys came back with food. As they walked up to me I looked at them confused. "I don't like half of the food you got" I said while looking at Jin who's face looked suspicious. "I had to pay for the food so I decided to get a little bit for myself" he replied while grabbing some of the food. I looked at what he got and then back up to him. "A little bit?" I asked sarcastically. Everyone started laughing and he looked like he was ready to kill all of us so we quickly went quiet. "I have a plan for getting rid of Mr Park but we have to figure out a way to get him to agree to meet up for it to work" I told the boys while looking at Namjoon. "I think I might be able to look into allies he has and see if any are willing to give us a way to communicate with him" Namjoon informed me. "And I will need everyone's help with the next part of my plan. Apart from Jimin, you aren't joining us in this. Although you and your father don't get along, he is still your father and you shouldn't have to see him breathing his last breath" I said. "I want to be there, he is the reason for all our problems and I want to make sure I will be able to live a long and happy life with you and the boys" he said while staring into my eyes. I quickly turned to the boys trying to hide my red face but once I turned to them I noticed their confused faces. "Are you guys dating?" Hoseok asked. Jimin and I looked at each other then nodded at the same time. They all started jumping up and down while screaming like teenage girls. "FINALLY" Yoongi yelled. "Anyway Namjoon can you please start working on your part now" I said trying to change the subject. "It will take a couple hours but there's a chance no one will help us" he replied while sighing. "Tell them that if they help, they will be able to ask for help from us if they need it in the future. As long as it's within reason of course" I told him. Namjoon nodded and then got to work. There wouldn't be many people that would refuse the offer to have the most dangerous group agree to help them even if it was just once. Many people want to be our allies because they know they will be safe but the only problem is that we don't need allies to survive unlike most groups. I'm very well known in our community for helping the little groups that are being treated wrong for no reason and I'm very loved by the females as well since I don't like when they get treated badly just because of their gender so when they become bigger and stronger they always agree to help us. I knew that this is a time where all my kindness will help me to beat someone who deserves no act of kindness towards them. After thinking about things for a while I felt my eyelids getting heavier and before I knew it I was being waken up by the boys. "Y/n wake up. We have Mr Park on the phone and he won't talk to anyone but you" Jin said. "Mr Park?" I asked in a sleepy tone. "Hello Y/n, I want to talk about the meet up" He replied. "What about it?" I asked confused. "I have a rule." "What rule?" I questioned him. "I'll meet up with you on one rule, we can bring our men." "Deal" I said and then quickly hung up the phone. "Let's get word out to our people and make sure everyone learns not to mess with us" I said, feeling anger growing just from hearing his voice. "From now on, any blood that needs to be shed will be shed" I told the boys and they all nodded in agreement.


Thank you for so many reads xxxx

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