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I forgot what it felt like to have so much adrenaline rushing through my body. I was about to walk in the building where Mr Park and I agreed to meet, but when I checked the time I realised it was too early to go in. I quickly checked with the boys that everyone was in place and that we all knew the plan. Once I made sure everyone understood the plan, I went inside. The lights were dim but I could see Mr Park standing on the other side, with his men behind him. "I would say it's good to see you again, Mr. Park. But we both know that would be a lie," I said when I reached him. He looked around and then back at me. "Did you come alone? You're so naive that you thought you could beat me and my men by yourself?" He asked me with an eyebrow raised. After a couple of seconds the Bangtan Boys came out of their hiding spots, with their guns raised. Mr Park and his men quickly raised their guns as they realised they were completely surrounded by my men and women. I could hear Hyuna talking in my ear piece and it was starting to distract me, so I signalled for the boys to come next to me as a distraction while I took it out. "You're so naive that you thought you could beat me with that many men" I said to Mr. Park in a mocking manner. He looked lost as he just looked around. He was clearly trying to figure out a way that he could overthrow us, but by the look on his face I could tell he knew it was impossible.

I knew now was the perfect time to signal for Hyuna and Edwan to come in. "KIA. Drop the weapon and put your hands up Mr. Park" I heard Edwan say calmly. He looked at me with so much confusion and started shaking his head. "I should've known you'd go to them. I'm impressed that you kept it so well hidden, I must've trained you well" he said with a smirk. I didn't say anything back, not wanting him to think he still has control over me. I just simply smiled at him while Edwan hand cuffed him. His men stood there, waiting for instructions on how to overcome this but Mr Park just simply let us take him. We all thought we had finally won until one of his men ran to me, stood behind me with his arm around my neck and his gun pressed against my temple. "HOW COULD YOU ALL BETRAY US LIKE THIS?"

I had ran away from Mr. Parks training facility. I couldn't handle it anymore, everyone there that I became close to would go on missions and never come back. I didn't want to end up like them so I went to the only place I thought would be safe. The KIA headquarters, it was hidden from normal civilians but Mr. Park taught us where every KIA and police station is, so that we can avoid them. I knew it would be risky showing up there with no proof that I wasn't on Mr Parks side anymore, but it was my only option. I went to the front desk and told them who I was, hoping it would make someone help me quicker. But the lady at the desk just stared at me with a blank face. "I'm sorry but you clearly have the wrong place. The police station isn't far from here if you need someone to take you" she said. I noticed the small amount of sweat forming on her forehead, she was clearly trying to cover up the real identity of the people here. So I grabbed her I.D that was around her neck and entered the main part of the building. No body turned to look at me until I started yelling. "HELLO, IM Y/N AND I WAS KIDNAPPED BY MR. PARK WHEN I WAS 5. I AM HERE TO HELP YOU BUT YOU HAVE TO KEEP ME SAFE." They all looked at me in shock but the man that was walking up to me. "Nice to meet you, we've been looking for you since the day you left. Mr. Park sends a letter to us every time he kidnaps someone and the day he kills them. You seemed to be the only one that stayed for as long as you have without being killed." He said calmly while holding his hand out for a handshake. I shook his hand and then he took me to his office. I felt uncomfortable having so many people staring at me, so I kept my head down and I ended up bumping into someone. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologised. "It's okay. Are you new here? My name is Seokjin but call me Jin" he said. "I'm Y/n and yes I'm new" I replied. "WAIT, as in THE Y/n?" He asked and I just nodded my head. "We can be friends, we're pretty similar in age. Aren't you 15?" He asked me. "Yes I'm 15. How old are you?" I asked him. "I just turned 20, I'm one of the youngest here." I was about to answer but the man from before told me to walk faster, so I nodded and started walking faster while I waved goodbye to Jin.
After talking to the man for over an hour I learnt his name, which was Edwan, and we decided that I should go undercover and help them beat Mr. Park. I only had one rule which is that I get to save my friends and Jimin. They decided to call my case 'the princess' because of my tattoo. I will be kept hidden for a while until they think it's safe enough for me to come back.

"We didn't betray you, we simply realised we were fighting for the wrong team" I replied calmly. He looked at the boys and yelled at them. "YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO YOUR FAMILIES NAMES. YOU LET SOME GIRL JUST MANIPULATE YOU INTO DOING SOMETHING TERRIBLE." They all thought about the day I told them I was working with the KIA and smiled. "Y/n is our family and has been there for us more than our own blood" Namjoon answered.

I had been working with the KIA for about 4 years now and today was the day I finally convinced the boys to help us. The whole day was spent just talking about how many people we could save. From people like Mr Park and how we would be able to start families that wouldn't be in constant fear. We all found out that Jin and Kookie were cousins, but their family didn't want Jin having to live the life that they did. So they hoped he would help save Kookie from that life. They are all worried about what will happen when everyone finds out, but it's the only way to keep us safe and to put everyone around us in a safer environment. I still haven't talked to Jimin, but we know that Mr. Park doesn't have connections with him anymore. So we might be able to get him to join us, I've started to lose my feelings for him...which I think is best, I need to focus on just keeping as many people safe as I can.

The man was distracted by Namjoons words so I quickly grabbed his arm facing it away from me and the other. I elbowed him in the stomach and then kicked his leg out from under him. He fell over and got hand cuffed by Hyuna who had run over straight away when she realised what was happening. Once all the men had been taken away I had to get a medical examination to make sure no harm occurred.

After the my examination I met Hyuna and Edwan in their office. We talked for a little bit about what had happened today until we came to a subject I was hoping to avoid. "Y/n, you know this is the last time you'll be working with us right?" Edwan asked me. "Yes sir" I answered. "If you want we can have you through the legal stuff to become an offical member of the KIA" Hyuna said, she looked upset that I had to leave. "I have another idea on what I want to do but you might be able to help me with it. I think you'll be able to help Jimin as well" I said while giving a big smile to Hyuna.
I know this is a bit of a cliche story but I hope you are still enjoying it xxx

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