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As I was plating up dinner for the boys I heard them arguing in the lounge room so I quickly ran to where they were to make sure nothing bad happened. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME LIKE THAT?" Jin yelled at Namjoon. "HOW DID I EVEN INSULT YOU?" Namjoon fired back "YOU DIDNT SIT NEXT TO ME" "YOU NEVER TOLD ME TO." Sometimes I forget they aren't an old married couple. "Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to get dinner ready" I said sarcastically. "Y/n you don't even cook the food, you buy it already made" Kookie said with a smirk knowing I would get annoyed "No need to expose me like that."
"Y/n where did you buy this? It's nearly as good as Jin's cooking" Hoseok blurted out and he immediately knew he messed up. "She didn't have to cook for hours for a bunch of ungrateful people, all she did was go to the shops and buy it already made" Jin said so quickly it was almost like he was speaking a different language. "I said it was NEARLY AS GOOD not as good or better hyung. Everyone in our friendship group knows you're the best cook out there." "We aren't a normal friendship group" Taehyung said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. "I guess you could say we're a friendboat" I replied and the next thing we all heard was Jin's windshield wiper laugh. Namjoon looked at me with so much disappointment which made it even funnier to Jin.
"Y/N" kookie yelled over Jin's laughing "What Kookie?" "Wanna go out clubbing?" "Go out clubbing in sweatpants? I don't think so" "Come on it will be better than having to listen to Jin telling everyone off" "He is basically our mum though but fine. If anyone asks why I'm wearing sweatpants I'm blaming you"

We quickly and quietly got up and just walked out the front door. None of the boys questioned us because they knew we were either going clubbing or dealing with Mafia things. As soon as we arrived we were let in by the security without showing them our IDs because we come here so often they knew our faces off by heart. Once we stepped in I was hit with the strong smell of alcohol and extremely loud music and I loved it. Kookie and I went to the bar and got our usuals except when I got my drink handed back to me it had a note on it. "You can't just kill my men and thinks it okay. I trained you so I know exactly how to destroy you and your friends. Signed MP" He's back.

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