Meadows aren't always peaceful

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Jimin's POV
Y/n ran out before I could finish my sentence and I was starting to worry that I may have lost the girl of my dreams or in this case nightmares. "JIMIN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I heard Jungkookie yell at me but I didn't know how to answer. I didn't know how to do anything anymore, I wanted to run after Y/n but I couldn't move. As I was stuck in my thoughts and trying to figure out what to do or say, I heard the boys yelling my name. "She didn't let me finish" I said with tears in my eyes. "What do you mean hyung?" Tae asked me. "I was going to say it's her fault because I refused to forget about my love for her" I replied while being unable to hold the tears back any longer.
Y/n's POV
As I was walking around I made my way to the meadow. I used to come here when I was younger, before MP ruined my life. I don't know how I got here, I think my feet just took me here because it was my happy place before it changed my life without me knowing why. I used to come here with my biological parents until the day someone picked me instead of one of the flowers.
As I was running through the flowers I heard my mum say "Y/n please slow down. We understand you're excited because you're finally five but father and I are starting to get old." "Yes mumma bear" I say back. As I slowed down my pace I noticed that my parents had gone the other way so I started walking to them. As I was getting closer I realised that they weren't my parents so I started running the other way but they ran towards me. I couldn't run as fast as them so they caught up to me and said "There's no need to be scared y/n, I will help keep you safe." "How do you know my name?" I asked the man in front of me. "Because you're very important to one of my clients" he replied. "If you know my name I should know yours as well" I said as he laughed a bit. "My name isn't important, just call me MP" he replied.
"It's a bit funny isn't it?" I heard someone say. "Pardon?" I answer back. "It's funny that this is where you left your loved ones and now it's going to happen again" they said and as I turned around I understand what was happening. "You've always been so funny Jackson. I've missed the days where you used to shoot me or slap me just for fun, it's so sad that I had to leave you behind" I replied sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "I definitely didn't miss you and your annoying mouth, you had better behave better than you did back then or you'll end up six feet under just like your parents" he said. I always knew my parents weren't alive but hearing him say that made me upset and mad. I obviously knew that MP killed them but I had always hoped deep down he wouldn't go that far. "What do you want Jackson" I asked annoyed that I was wasting my time standing here with someone like him. "MP wants me to kill you" he simply replied. "Then why don't you just do it?" I replied with no emotion. Jimin had just told me I'm the reason he lost his memories, MP actually killed my parents, the boys knew about Jimin the whole time and Kookie even knew about Jimin's nightmares but nobody told me. MP will never stop trying to kill me or the ones I love so why not just give up? Even if I did try to fight back they would try to break the little bit of hope I have for my happiness. As I was thinking I didn't even notice the coldness on my forehead but when I looked up I saw the gun he had up to my head. "Any last words?" Jackson asked. "He will always be better than his father" I replied back and the last thing I heard was a gunshot until everything went black.

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