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Summary: Snoke is putting tons of stress on Kylo, and one day he accidentally lets it out on you.

The Supreme Leader had been putting tons of stress on Kylo Ren. Snoke was not a merciful teacher; he was cruel, vicious, and abusive. Kylo was at the end of the rope with him, and he had let the stress and torment get to him.

You didn't know what was wrong, simply because he wouldn't open up to you. He wouldn't accept your love, your attempts to help him, or anything. He had completely closed himself off from you. He would barely talk to you, let alone anyone at all. It was eating away at your emotions and you didn't know how much more you could take. You had tried to give him space to work things out himself, but upon seeing that that wasn't working, you decided to confront him.

One evening, you sat in your shared quarters, waiting for Kylo to return. You had no idea when he'd come back; it was always hard to tell.

Soon, you heard the door slide open and heavy feet trudging in. You sighed and stood up, walking over to him.

"Kylo," you said, trying not to let your voice waver. "We need to talk."

His back was turned to you, not letting you see his face. He didn't reply.

You took a step forward. "Honey, please, talk to me. I need to know what's wrong," you placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let me help you. You're not alone in this."

Kylo turned around violently, making you pull back your hand. "Alone? You have no idea what I'm going through, how could you possibly help me?" he said, his voice full of rage.

You were taken aback. "Kylo, please don't get mad..."

He stepped forward, hovering over you. "No. You don't fucking know what it's like to be me. I've been abused every day of my life by that goddamn monster. He's turned me into a monster. And I don't need you to get into this mess."

You felt tears streaming down your face. So, Snoke was the cause of this. "Sweetheart, please let me help you," you said, putting a hand on his arm.

He pushed your hand off of him. "No. I don't need another thing in my life to worry about."

His words struck you hard. You pulled the ring that was on your left ring finger and threw it at him. "Fine. Now you won't have something else to worry about."

As you ran out of the quarters, Kylo knew he had seriously messed up. He picked up the ring from the floor, tears welling in his eyes. Kylo is well known for his rage; but never towards you.

You walked down the halls of the ship, tears streaming down your face. You didn't know where you were going, and didn't care as long as you were away from Kylo. You wandered around the massive ship until you reached the empty training rooms.

You sat down and let out loud sobs. Kylo had never shown this side of himself to you. Up until this point, he had only been loving and kind.

Where are you, Y/N?, a voice inside of your head spoke. Kylo would often do this when he couldn't find you.

"Get out of my head," you said bitterly. No one was there to hear it, but you were sure that Kylo would.

I'm so sorry for what I did. Please come back so we can talk this out. I know that doesn't excuse my actions, but I need to explain.

"Fuck off," you said. "I don't want to see you."

I completely understand that, but please, I need to explain myself. I never meant to hurt you, Y/N. I love you.

Those last three words rung throughout your head. You couldn't bear it anymore.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," you replied.

You wiped your face and headed back to your quarters. Once arriving in front of the door, you hesitated. You were almost scared to go back in.

The door opened, but not by your doing. Kylo stood there, his eyes red from crying. You stepped forward and hugged him, tears threatening to fall from your eyes again.

Kylo brought you in and explained everything. Snoke had been harder on him than usual. His influence was taking over his mind and twisting it. As much as he resisted, he couldn't shy away from his abuser. Snoke had sensed that the girl who gave Kylo the scar was going to return, and he wanted to make sure that she didn't succeed like she did on Starkiller Base.

Kylo looked into your eyes and took your hands in his. "I'm so sorry I treated you like that. That was not me saying that; it's what Snoke's turned me into. Will you forgive me?"

You smiled and nodded. "Of course, my love."

Kylo smiled and leaned forward to kiss you. He slipped the ring back on your finger, and you felt whole again.

A few weeks later, word quickly spread throughout the First Order that Supreme Leader Snoke had been killed, and Kylo would take his place. It was said that the girl, Rey, had done it, but you knew what had really happened.


Author's note: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this part. This was my first time writing angst, so I hope you all enjoy it!


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