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Summary: You're pregnant, and you try to come up with a way to tell Kylo without freaking out.


Anxiety. That's all you felt.

You had gone to the medbay that morning because you had been throwing up and having stomach pains for the past week or so. Kylo and you had been messing around, but...you didn't think it would end up like this.

"The test came back positive," the nurse said. "You're pregnant. Congratulations!"

Those last two words played on repeat in your head the entire day. You had taken the day off from work due to feeling sick. As you layed in your bed, hand resting on your stomach, and your mind racing. You had absolutely no idea how to tell Kylo. There was no way of telling how he'd react.

You heard Kylo come through the door of your shared quarters. "Y/N? Are you here?"

You took a deep breath and turned to face him. "Hi, sweetheart. How was your day?"

It must have been obvious that you were nervous, because his expression changed. "Is something wrong?"

"Well, um...come sit down. There's something I need to tell you." You took his hands in yours and led him to sit on the bed with you.

He leaned forward to give you a short, but sweet kiss. "Did you go to the medbay today?" he asked, stroking your hair. "I know you haven't been feeling too well, babe."

You looked down at your hands. "I did. I found out something while I was there."

You felt Kylo's hand on your chin as he lead you to look up at him. "Hey, whatever it is, I'm sure everything will be okay. Just breathe. Tell me what's up."

You nodded. "Kylo," you closed your eyes. "I'm pregnant."

When you opened your eyes, you looked at him. You couldn't tell what he was thinking. He looked shocked. "Did you just say that... you're pregnant?"

You felt a tear fall down your face. "I'm sorry, Kylo."

His face suddenly softened and he gave you a wide grin. "Sweetheart, please don't cry. There's nothing to be sorry about at all. I am so happy. We're going to have a baby, oh my God. This is amazing."

Your heart lightened at his reaction. "Oh my God, I didn't know how you'd react..."

Kylo stood up from the bed, got down on one knee, and lifted up your shirt to kiss your stomach. "This is the best thing I could ever hear."

You pulled him back up and gave him a hard kiss. "I love you, Kylo."

"I love you too, Y/N. More than anything."


Author's note: This one's a bit short, but oh well.


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