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Summary: You're best friends with Captain Phasma, and Kylo is trying to get to you through her.

A/N: This one's a bit longer than my normal imagines. Also, it's a bit more centered around Phasma than Kylo, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!

You joined the First Order when you were young, around 18 or 19. After several years, you had secured a position as the lead trainer of the stormtroopers. Of course, Captain Phasma was still their captain, but you perfected their skills for her, meaning that you worked very close with the mysterious Phasma.

Though, this position had allowed you to grow a close frienship with Phasma. You were just about the only person who had seen her without her chrome mask. The two of you had spent countless hours training, sparring against each other, laughing when someone fell.

One day, both you and Phasma were training the new recruits. The both of you were demonstrating how to shoot a gun, hit a target, blah blah blah.

It just so happened that the Supreme Leader - the new Supreme Leader - decided to drop by for a visit. When his eyes landed on you, they nearly popped out of his skull; who were you, and why had he never seen you before? You were so gorgeous.

Phasma looked over to the man walking in. "Ah, recruits, meet your new Supreme Leader." They all took a short bow. As you turned around and faced him, your heart flipped. So, this was the new ruler. He was a hottie.

He gave a nod, then turned on his heel and left the room. You and Phasma exchanged a look, then went back to the training exercises. Little to your knowledge, he had only just gone out the door, standing there and waiting, his heart beating fast. He had to talk to Phasma about you.

Once the training room only held Phasma, Kylo entered. "What can I assist you with, Supreme Leader?"

"I need your help with...a thing." He said, sounding exasperated. She sensed that this was unprofessional, and removed her helmet. "Who was that...girl in here with you?"

Phasma let out a chuckle. "Her name is Y/N Y/L/N. She's the senior trainer on the ship, she helps me with the-"

Kylo dismissively waved a hand. "Never mind that. Do you think she'd be interested in me?"

She arched an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, Phasma, of course I'm serious."

"How should I know? It's not like you ever come out of that damn throne room of yours anymore," Kylo furrowed his eywbrows at this. "And anyways, I'm not sure that she's ever even seen you. She's never talked about you."

Kylo looked discouraged for a second, but then looked as if he got an idea. "What if...you talked me up to her?"

Phasma glared at him. "Really, Ren?"

"You must be good friends with her! And if you did this I'd, I'd...talk you up to Hux?..."

Phasma's eyed widened. "Hell no, you know I don't swing that way. But, I suppose I can say something to Y/N..."

Kylo gave a small smile before walking away. "Thank you Phasma, I owe you."

"Like hell you do!" she yelled back.

The next day, you got up bright and early to train one-on-one with Phasma. It was something that the two of you occasionally did to perfect your skills - and also to spend time with your friend.

You walked into the training room wearing a black tank top and sweats, and Phasma was in the same. As you greeted your friend, you saw a slight mischiveous grin on her face. You ignored it and pulled out your sparring baton.

"You ready to do this?" Phasma asked tauntingly. You just nodded and began the exercise.

After you had - somehow - knocked the tall woman to the ground, the two of you laughed as you helped Phasma up. Now's my time, she thought.

"Hey, Y/N...what'd you think of Ren...I mean, the Supreme Leader visiting us yesterday?" Phasma asked, reaching for her waterbottle and taking a sip.

"It was kind of interesting to see him. I'd never seen him without his mask before, and quite honestly, he's not too bad looking..."

Phasma mentally high fived herself. "Oh, yeah? What do you think it means, him visiting the troops? He's never done that before."

You looked over at Phasma. "Maybe doing what the last Supreme never did? Or, maybe he came to visit you, Phas," you said with a grin.

Phasma blushed and rubbed her face. "No, Y/N, just no...I was thinking maybe he came to see you? Maybe he's looking for a girlfriend or something?" Yeah, or something, she thought.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I don't believe that the Supreme Leader wouldn't have time for a girl, much less me, who he doesn't even know. He's too busy spending time doing God knows what in that throne room of his..."

As you began to walk out of the training room, Phasma began to panic, her job not fulfilled. "So are you interested in the Supreme Leader, Y/N?"

You quickly turned around, giving her a look. "I'm sorry, did I hear you correctly?"

She nodded. "Well, not particularly, like I said, I haven't spend much time around him. Why, Phasma?" you asked, now growing quite curious as to what the blonde was getting at.

"Well...fuck. I'll be honest, but you can not tell Ren about this," she said. She then explained to you the situation at hand, and by the end of it you were blushing.

"He thinks I'm pretty?" you asked. "Hm. Who would've thought that Crylo Ren had feelings? Y'know, other than anger?"

Phasma laughed. "And I promised him that I'd get him a date with you, so scoot! Go get your man!"

You took her hand in yours and gave her a small smile. "Thanks, Phas. I owe you one."

As you walked away, Phasma grinned. Now they both owe me one. Nice.

When Kylo noticed you popping up into his life more - seeing you in the hallways, sharing short conversations, etc. - he grew curious, but when you finally warmed up to him, spoke to him for the first time, asked him out on a date...he knew exactly who to thank.

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