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Summary: Modern AU where Kylo slides into your DMs on Instagram.

Author's note: Y/U/N means your username (ya know, since it's a chatroom AU). Happy reading.


kyloxren: Heyyyyy ;)

Y/U/N: Uh, hello....And you are?

kyloxren: I'm Kylo Ren, a friend of Phasma's. She said that you're a good friend of hers and was looking for new people.

Y/U/N: Phasma...classic. Well, hello Kylo. I'm Y/N.

kyloxren: That's a cool name. Y/N. I like it.

Y/U/N: Ha, thanks. So, tell me a bit about yourself, Kylo.

kyloxren: Well, I'm not very interesting, but here it goes...For starters, I live with Phasma and our roommate Armitage. He has a cat named Millicent, who's pretty chill most of the time. I work at a restaurant called The First Order downtown. That's about it. What about you?

Y/U/N: Pretty cool. I live with my friends Rey and Finn. I work at a coffee shop called The Resistance with them. I'm not quite interesting either haha. I do have a question for you, though.

kyloxren: Funny that you work at the Resistance...my parents own it.

Y/U/N: Really? Awesome! Han and Leia are amazing. I didn't know they had a son.

kyloxren: Not surprising.

Y/U/N: What, do you not talk to them anymore?

kyloxren: Yeah, something like that.

Y/U/N: Sorry for prodding. So, back to what I wanted to ask...was there a reason you DMed me?

kyloxren: Right, there actually is a reason. So, Phasma said you were lonely and wanted a man. I'm also pretty lonely, so...wanna go on a date?

Y/U/N: Woah, okay. Slow down. I barely know you...I don't even know what you look like!

kyloxren: There's pictures on my profile. Just look through those.

Y/U/N: Okay...

Y/U/N: Huh, you're not that bad looking, Ren. You also seem to have a strange obsession with Darth Vader.

kyloxren: Because he's the greatest villain ever, duh. So, what do ya think? You gonna take up on that offer?

Y/U/N: While I do admit that you are attractive, I still don't know you very well...

kyloxren: Then let's get to know each other. It's not like I'm going to sleep anyway.

You looked at your phone clock. It was 10:30 PM. While you were slightly hesistant, you wanted to know more. He was very good looking, and who knows? Maybe this would turn out well. He was right when he said that you were lonely; you were just telling that to Phasma the other day.

Y/U/N: Alright, I guess that would be alright.

You and Kylo spent all night texting each other. You learned about his interests and hobbies, his early childhood, and even that he had a huge fight with his parents, prompting him to leave the house and even go as far as changing his name. He learned about your childhood as well, and your family life. By the time you had finished talking, it was 1:55 AM.

Y/U/N: Well, I should probably head to bed. I have work tomorrow. I really enjoyed talking with you, Kylo. Goodnight.

kyloxren: As did I, Y/N. Goodnight.

You set your phone down on your nightstand and climbed into bed. As you situated yourself, your phone buzzed.

kyloxren: Hey, maybe you could swing by The First Order tomorrow so we could see each other?

You smiled to yourself.

Y/U/N: That sounds lovely.



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