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Summary: An imagine (loosely) based on the lyrics of the song St. Patrick by Pvris. This one's a bit emotional :').

A/N: I highly suggest listening to the song while reading this! Also, sorry if the Youtube video doesn't work.


Kylo Ren was a mysterious man. You didn't know how you'd gained the trust of the man in such short of a time, but somehow, he had grown attached to you and you to him.

He was a very intimate man. He loved to hold you, feel your skin against his, embrace you. He questioned whether or not you were even real or not sometimes, it was like chemicals made him cling to you.

One night, you and Kylo were laying in bed in your shared living quarters. It had been a long day for the both of you - you were a TIE Fighter pilot, and he, of course, was the Supreme Leader, so the days were rigorous.

Even though you were both beyond tired, you couldn't sleep - the thought of being able to lay next to and be close to your lover was too exciting.

You were rested on Kylo's chest, his arms wrapped around you as his hands drew shapes up and down your spines. Your arms laid rested around your lover, taking in his scent. It was truly the most calming thing in the galaxy.

There was no noise except the sound of the two of you breathing, until Kylo spoke up, his voice barely in a whisper. "You know, Y/N, I don't know how I ended up with you."

You sat up and looked down at him, giving him a slight frown. "What do you mean, baby?"

He looked at you, studying your face before sighing. "You're too good for me. Honestly, I think you're a saint... I think you're an angel," he said, faintly grinning.

You chuckled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek before laying back down on his shoulder. "You doubt yourself too much, Kylo. You're deserving of love."

His grin wore off, eyes closing. After a while of silence, he said what was really on his mind. "You give me something to think about that's not the shit in my head."

You pulled yourself back up, fully sitting up this time, his words alarming you. You knew that Kylo had struggled with internal demons before... but he had never exactly opened up to you about it. "What?"

He looked up at you, tears already forming in his eyes. He had never been honest about the impact you had made on his life.

"I had been losing with everything touch, Y/N..." he began, closing his eyes. "It felt like there were transparent hands around my neck. Like I couldn't breathe. Snoke was forcing me down, kicking me around, and I was being beaten and abused. But you... it felt like with you, I could breathe instead. You were my one happy place that I felt safe in. Like... like a glimpse of bliss. A little taste of heaven."

You found yourself tearing up at his words. You moved a hand down to brush away the tears running down his cheeks. He opened his eyes and looked up at you. "You're a miracle, my dear Y/N. And I love you more than anything in this galaxy."

Overwhelmed at his words, you leaned down and pressed a hard kiss against his lips, to which he quickly reciprocated. You carefully climbed over him and straddled him, never breaking the kiss, hands on either side of his face. His hands immediately moved up to rest on your hips. You kissed him until you were both breathless.

You pulled away, resting your forehead on his. "I love you so much, Kylo. To the ends of the galaxy and back."

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