015 (Part I)

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Summary: You try to reason with Kylo after a breakup.

A/N: The timeline of the movies is a bit off in this, I hope y'all don't mind! Also, this is going to be a two part oneshot. :-)

It had been a long day. Being a high-ranking officer for the First Order was hard enough, but the fact that your emotions were weighing on you didn't help.

Around three weeks ago, you had broken up with your boyfriend -- Kylo Ren, the Commander of the First Order. The breakup didn't go well; you and Kylo had been having problems for the past few week, and it ended with you crying and him breaking things. You ran out of his living quarters, looking like a mess.

Then, the destruction of Starkiller Base happened. It was terrifying -- you and your fellow officers ran to the ships, trying to evacuate as quickly as possible. Thankfully, you were able to get out, but many weren't as fortunate. You also heard rumors that Kylo got defeated by the scavenger and was left with a huge scar. You hadn't seen him since the breakup, so you didn't know what to believe.

Luckily, work had been distracting you during the day. It was the nighttime that was hard. You were having repetitive dreams about him that ended with you awake, crying out Kylo's name with tears streaming down your face.

Just like tonight.

You were having a dream -- well, it was more like a past memory. You were laying in bed with Kylo, legs tangled together as he rested his forehead against yours. Small kisses were being shared as he whispered sweet nothings to you.

Jolting awake, you gasped. "Kylo!" you exclaimed. Chest heaving, you looked around and realized that you were in the same situation you had found yourself in for the past few nights. Letting out a small sob, you layed back down, staring at the ceiling.

Frowning, you shifted to your side. I can't do this anymore, you thought. I have to go see him.

Shaking your head, you scolded yourself. No. This breakup was for the best. He's too destructive.

As you wrestled with your thoughts, more memories of Kylo flooded your mind. How sweet and caring he was -- the sweet and intimate moments you would share. It was too much for you to bear.

Getting out of bed and pulling on a cloak and shoes, you quietly snuck out of your room. You treaded down the hallways of the Star Destroyer, going down the path that would lead you to his room.

With how tired you were, you found yourself in front of Kylo's door in no time. As you raised your hand to knock, you hesitated. What if he didn't want to see you? What if he would become angry with you?

I am not going to be scared of him. You knocked on the door, hoping he'd be in there. With his crazy schedule, you never knew.

A few moments passed, making you narrowed your eyebrows. Raising your hand and about to knock again, the door slid open, revealing Kylo.

You gasped at the sight before you. Kylo looked awful, and it made your heart lurch. He was shirtless, the haunting scar being shown as clear as day. There were bags under his eyes and scars on his shoulders and arms. He just looked so tired. Defeated.

Gulping, you forced yourself to meet his tired eyes. "Kylo," you began, feeling your voice wavering. "I need to talk to you."

Kylo sighed. "I'm sorry Y/N, but you're the last person I want to see right now."

Feeling tears prick at your eyes, you caught his wrist as he was turning to go back to his room. "Please, Kylo. Please."

Considering for a moment, he looked at you over his shoulder. "Alright. Come in."

Letting go of him, you walked in behind him as he used the Force to close the door. Kylo walked over to his bed and sat on the edge, hands running through his hair.

You moved to stand in front of him. "We need to talk, Kylo."

He looked up at you with a glare. "Oh, do we? I remember the last thing you said to me was something along the lines of 'I never want to talk to you again'. Or am I mistaken?"

You let out a scoff. "What do you expect me to do when you're yelling at me and breaking things, Kylo?! I was upset! You left me with no choice but to break it off."

He stood up, towering over you. "Then why the fuck are you here, Y/N?! Did you come here just to yell at me?"

"N-no... I came here to tell you that I miss you. I fucking miss you more than anything, Kylo," you stuttered out, tears falling down your face. "I keep having dreams about you and it won't stop. I can't just let my mind torture me with this. I had to confront this shit or else my heart would be completely shattered."

Kylo's eyes were bouncing around your face. Tears were threatening to spill down his face, too. "Y/N..."

You reached up and held his face in your hands, wiping the now falling tears away. "Please, Kylo. I still love you. I know we had problems, but I know we can fix them."

Kylo closed his eyes, shaking his head. "I can't do this, Y/N. I can't drag you into what's about to happen."

Your heart dropped. Removing your hands from him, you took a step back. "Are you serious? After all I just said, seeing the emotion in your eyes, you're still to push me away?"

He couldn't respond. Feeling more tears falling, you made your way to the door. "Fine. Then you can stay the fuck away from me." The sound of the door slamming shut made Kylo jump.

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