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Summary: You were once a Knight of Ren and had a romantic relationship with Kylo. Now that you're working for the First Order, you hope he won't recognize you.


You looked up from your station. You knew who the heavy footsteps walking across the bridge belonged to; Kylo Ren. You quickly looked down in hopes that he wouldn't meet your gaze.

Since coming to the First Order, you've tried everything to avoid him noticing you. You had only been there for a few weeks, but it was getting harder to conceal. You were once a Knight of Ren; one of the only two females in the Knights. While in the Knights, you had fallen in love with Kylo, and he had fallen in love with you. It was unlike any other romance; he was caring and compassionate. You had never quite loved someone as much as you did with him. He was your everything until he left the Knights to join the First Order. You still could remember how his touch felt, what his lips felt like against yours...

A voice jolted you out of your thoughts. "Lieutenant Y/N? Did you hear what I said?" You looked up. It was General Hux.

You looked back down, cheeks flushing. "I'm sorry General, I didn't. Could you repeat what you said?"

The general looked exasperated, rolling his eyes. "I said, I need you to take this file to Kylo Ren. Immediately."

Of course, you thought to yourself. Of all people, it had to be him.

"Of course, General." you said, complying with your orders.

You took the file from him and made your way to where Hux said he went. As you strode through the hallways of the ship, your mind was racing. Since being in the Knights of Ren, you had tried to change your looks, but you were almost certain that Kylo would recognize you. You two had spent too much time together for him not too. Or, maybe, he will have simply forgotten. You hoped it was the latter.

You turned a corner and saw him looking out a window into the abyss that was the starry sky. He was a dark, looming figure that intimidated everyone on the ship. His mask was mysterious; no one knew what lied behind it. Except you.

Taking a deep breath, you walked up to Kylo, your head hung low.

"Commander Ren, General Hux needed this file given to you," you said quickly, handing it to him.

He looked down at the file in his hand and then looked at you, giving a nod.

As your spun on your heels and marched back to your station, you could almost feel his eyes piercing the back of your head.

Time had passed, and you didn't have any encounters with Kylo, thankfully. You just stuck to your post and did your work as you were told.

One time after work was finished, as you were walking down the hallway that lead to your bunk, someone pulled you into the adjacent hallway. When you collected yourself, you looked up to see who had pulled you.

It was Kylo.

Your heartbeat quickened as he studied your face. Then, he reached up to his mask, pressing on either sides of it, and then removing it all together. You almost gasped as he removed it; seeing the face of your once lover after a long time was shocking. Yet, he was still as handsome as ever.

His face showed...curiosity. "Y/N?" he said. "Is that you?"

You swallowed, and slowly nodded. "Yes, Kylo...it's me." His face softened upon hearing this.

You didn't know how he would react. Was he going to yell? Get angry? Or possibly do nothing?

He slowly moved his hand to either side of your face. You again got nervous; Kylo could be unpredictable.

Kylo leaned forward, looking into your eyes. Before you knew it, he was kissing you.

It surprised you greatly; you didn't know that Kylo would still have feelings for you. After all, he was the one who left you.

You eased into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. When you separated, he rested his forehead on yours.

"I have missed you so, so much, Y/N. There hasn't been a day that's passed that I haven't thought of you," he said.

You grinned. "And to think, all this time I've been avoiding you because I thought you hated me...I've missed you too, Kylo."


Author's note: Hello! Sorry that this one's a bit short. It's kinda shitty too, but whatever. Hope you all like it. Also, thanks for 100+ reads! :)


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